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it had been nine months since the events at star court, where you found yourself a whole new family and of course, saved the world. nine months after joyce, will, jonathan and el had left to live in california. oh and you were now dating the king of hawkins high, steve harrington. Well guess he can't be referred to that name anymore as he had now graduated high school. Whereas you were coming up to the last couple of month of school, where you had met, your now co-worker, robin buckley. Steve and you soon become close with her and she now became a part of the dysfunctional family you guys had going, and was quickly acquainted with dustin and the rest of the remaining party. And yes you weren't meant to just go around telling anyone about the events that happened at star court, but you and steve both trusted robin and may have gotten a bit drunk and let the past couple of years slip.... and for some reason she never questioned it. Robin had also let out some of her secrets, how a certain 'muppet' like singer, Tammy Thompson had caught robins attention, as the two had described her, which made you audibly laugh as they were completely correct.

"and explain why i have to go to this lame high school pep rally?" Steve questioned you as you both walked towards his car, you stopped right before opening the passenger side door, "because steve, robin needs a lift to play in the school band and i want to support her, therefore you have to take us." You smile

"oh so i'm the taxi.. great." he sighed raising his arms down in defeat, getting into the car, you following suit

"would you rather me crash??" i say pretending to be offended as an overdramatic gasp leaving my lips. He rolls his eyes at me, remember my driving those nine months ago, his eyes go wide and shakes his head, "no way, that's not happening again." 

He whips his head behind him to the back seat, "where is the moron then?" before i could answer, the door opens and robin rushes into the back seat,"shit, we're gonna be late." she complains pulling on her shoes and frantically trying to sort out her makeup

"and whose fault is that?" steve asks deadpanned

"i don't need your lecturing just drive!"

Throughout the car ride, you notice robin frantically applying make up making you smirk, she groans pulling her hands down her face with a groan

"robin are you even listening?" Steve asks stopping mid rant about Dustin, god knows what he's done now - you blur it out most of the time, always some small stupid bickering about steve not rescheduling one of your dates to hang out with dustin.

"no steve! because it's 7 o'clock in the morning and we have to go to this stupid pep rally!"

"nah i'm not buying it." steve states

"what." robin asks baffled

"i refuse to believe that you care this much about a high school basket ball game." steve points out, you turn to robin wiggling your eyebrows, "this about vicki huh?" you question her chuckling lightly

"god robin do we need to talk about this again?!" steve asks referring to a reoccurring 'argument' between the two.

"stop pretending you're someone you're not!"

"you do realise you are quoting myself to me?" Robin says

"yes and maybe you should listen to yourself, i'm telling you vicki likes you." to which robin protested to yet again

I turn to look at robin behind us, "robin no one would pause fast times at 53 minutes and..." you pause not knowing the exact time

"and 5 seconds." steve finishes almost instantly, to which you turn your head towards him giving him a glare to which he cleared his throat, "n-not that i'd know from per-personal experience.." he laughed nervously

"..anyway as i was saying.." you quickly glanced at steve and he awkwardly gave you a 'sorry' smile,"anyone who doesn't like boobs doesn't pause right when they're on screen."

the car goes silent

"she likes boobies!" steve announces

Robin groans,"don't say boobies.."

"what? you like boobies. i like boobies. vicki likes boobies!" Steve says

"stop saying boobies."

"boobies boobies boobies. boobies!!" steve recites like a child when asked not to ask why constantly.

"y/n make him stop!!!!" robin groans her hand now in her hands

"boobies boobies boobies." i join in with steve as he continues to recite the word

another groan can be heard from robin, "you are both such children. remind me to never get into a car with you guys, or go anywhere for that matter."

as we got near the school steve's chants of, boobies, died down and robin was quick to open the door, "i'll see you guys in there need to go practice!" she called out to us as she ran towards the sports hall.

Steve's hand trails around your waist as we also walk towards the sports hall, "guess we best go find some seats." he says, "still cant believe i was dragged into this." he groans stepping into the hall that had been decorated with many hawkins tigers themed deco
"gives me the heebie-jeebies being back here."

"awe is it bringing you back to your high school bully days." i say pulling out my bottom lip in a pout, mocking him

"wh- i didn't not.." he starts letting out a confused noise, to which i laugh at.

"relax steve i was joking." i say kissing his cheek as we sit down, his hand placed firmly on my thigh as we wait for this stupid pep rally to start so it can end.

"such a pain in my arse." he chuckles to himself pulling himself closer to me as we make small talk through the interlude of the pep rally

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