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We all run back to the radio, "griswold family, this scoops troop! Do you copy? over!"

"i repeat, this is scoops troop. do you—"

shrieking noises started to come out of the radio.

"griswold family, do you copy?"

"do you copy?!"

A really load roar comes through, hurting my eardrums.

Dustin continues to shout commands into the radio.

Steve jolts up and started to run towards the car, "where are you going!?" Erica yells at him

"to get them the hell out of there!" Steve shouts back.

"stay here, contact the others."

"shit." I say

"wait, y/n!"

"stay in contact." Dustin says chucking me a radio.

"got it."

I run to the car and get in.

"no, no, no, no." Steve says looking at me

"what?" i ask

"your staying here."

"but- but i can help!" I say

"i don't want you getting hurt!" Steve says

" i'm not going- Just drive!" I shout at him.

"no. Not until you get out." He says.

"fine." I get out and walk over to his side of the car.

i open the door and pull him out, "if you won't drive, i will."

He got up from the ground, "chop, chop! We don't have all day pretty boy." I say laughing.

"your a nightmare." He says

"i know." I say turning the key to the car.

I step on the pedal hard, "woahh! Y/n, slow down!" Steve says

I sharply twist at the turning onto the road, "remind me to never get in a car with you, ever again." Steve says.

"have you even got a license?!" He asks

"no." I laugh and press harder on the pedal making him scream.

Dustins pov

"bald eagle, this is scoops troop. What's your 20?"

"i told you, radio silence!" murray shouts

"yeah, but we have a problem."

"what kind of problem." Hopper says tuning into the radio

"attack on the mall."

"bad eagle has landed. Repeat, bald eagle has landed."

"planks constant." i say

"you know it?" Erica asks

"not by heart. You?"

"i'm not a nerd, nerd."

i start changing the channel, "what are you doing?" erica asks

your pov

We pull up to the malls parking lot and see two cars.

"is that them?" i ask steve

"yep, that's nancy... shooting the car?¿"

"that's billy's car..." i say

I see billy start zooming towards them, and i step on the pedal quickly.

"y/n.... y/n, what are you doing? y/n? y/n!" Steve shouts, panicking.

"shut up!" i yell

Billy's car is moments away from hitting nancy, jonathan and the kids.

i push as hard as i can on the pedal.

"y/n!!!" Steve shouts once again.

nancy ducks, as i smash the car into billy's, causing his car to spin out of the way, and us too.

I hold onto the steering wheel and jolt back as we stop.

Steve looks at me, "fucking hell, that was insane, y/n!" He says laughing.

"but dangerous!" He says wrapping his arms around me and i hug him back. His hair smelt so good!

"Alright, mum!" i say laughing, him shortly laughing with me.

He noticed a scratch on my face from some of the glass, "y/n!!! your bleeding!" He says panicking

I feel the wound and there's a tiny amount of blood on my finger, "steve, it's just a little bit of blood."

"you could die!" He says

"steve! i'm fine. Gosh. It's just a little bit of blood" i say repeating myself

steve hugs me again, but he let go as we heard the creator from before.

We stand up, in the car and look to see the creator on top of the mall.

"oh, shit!" I say

a car pulls up beside us and honks, "get in!" Nancy says

Me and steve get into the boot of the car and jonathan speeds off.

Me and steve watch as it quickly chases us, getting closer and closer every second.

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