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you make it through the gate, the others had followed you, you run around the upside down trying to find steve, you see him lying on the floor being attacked by some weird bat looking creature.

you use an oar that you found to whack the bat like creatures away from steve as he struggles, "robin!" you say asking her for help, she stands on the tail like part of the creature trying to stop it from strangling steve.

you continue to hit the remaining bat with the oar, stabbing it repeatedly

"uh guys?" you hear eddie say, "we've got company." he says referring to the numerous amount of creatures coming your way, nancy helping him to hit away the swarming bats

robins still attacking the creature attached to steve's neck, "nancy, a bit of help?" she asks the girl, nancy starts to help robin by hitting the creature with another oar she found

"y/n behind you watch out!" eddie shouts, at this you feel a sharp pain in your back making you yelp

"oh my god, y/n!!" robin shouts

you continue to scream, trying to get it off of you,"robin, get if off me!" to which robin is pulling at it, robin finally gets if off you and slams it hard on the ground and nancy helps by stabbing it with the oar

steve had finally got the one around his neck off of him and now he was repeatedly hitting it against the floor

eddie had dealt with the one swarming you guys, and steve had now ripped in half the one that was strangling him previously

"steve! steve, oh my god" you say walking up to him

"jesus H. christ!" eddie shouts, slamming down the oar

"are you okay?" nancy asks

you looks at steve's wounds on either side of his torso, gasping at how deep they were, "well, they took about a pound of flesh. but other than that. yeah, never better." he says, you bring him quickly into a tight hug

"ow ow ow, y/n, ow." he complains

"don't ever do that again." you say, steve nodding

"uh, do you guys think these bats have, like, rabies?" robin asks

"what?" steve asks

"its just rabies are, like, my number one greatest fear. and i think that we should probably get you a doctor, like really soon, because once the symptoms set in, its too late. you're already like dead."

a swarm of the same creatures alerts you guys to look over at them, "fuck. again? seriously?"

but instead of coming towards us, they gather around the gate

"alright, there's not that many. we can take them, right?" steve says, but more are heading in your direction

"you were saying?" robin asks

"the woods. come on." nancy says running towards the woods the rest of us following her quickly after.

"great. more running." robin says

we make it to the upside down version of skull rock, hiding under the giant rock, "oh.. okay. that was close." robin says

"yeah. too close."

"oh, sh..shit." steve gasps as he glass slightly landing on the side of the rock

"steve? jesus."

"im fine. im fine." he says

"no, no, no. you're not. your losing a lot of blood." you say trying to stabilise him, "come on sit." you say helping him lower himself down. steve grunts from the pain, "sorry. sorry." you apologise as he winces, holding onto his sides

"oh.." you hear robin gasp, "okay so the good news is im pretty sure wooziness is not a symptom of rabies." robin says

you begin to take off your jumper, still in the tank top you were wearing underneath, folding it so you could tie it around steve's wounds

"but, um, if you start having hallucinations or muscle spasms or you start feeling aggressive, like you wanna punch me, let me know." robin says

"think we've already established the aggressive part." eddie says scoffing



"i kinda wanna punch you."

robin laughs, "sense of humours still intact. that's a good sign."

"you ready?" you says to steve

"yeah.. just do it." he says lifting his arms up

you wrap the fabric around him, making him wince again and stifle a groan, "sorry." you whisper

"its okay." you look up at steve and see him throw his head back lifting his arms to cover his face


you cough, shaking your head trying to focus back on treating his wound, "nearly done." you say about to tie the fabric, "is that too tight?" you ask

"no, that's good."

"okay." you say finishing the knot

steve grunts as he leans back against the rock, your eyes meet awkwardly, "thanks." he says

you're about to go back to the others when you feel him pull at your wrist pulling you back towards him, "im sorry y/n.." he says barely able to look you in the eyes

"steve.." you start

"i was being an absolute dick, you're not a push over. i.. i was just pissed at what that asshole did to you."

"its fine steve, honestly."

"no its not. i should have never had said that to you.. and.. and id understand if you want to break up-"

"what?!" you say shocked at his last comment, "i don't want to break up with you steve, especially over one stupid argument." you chuckle

steve lets out a long breath, "oh thank god." he says pulling you into a hug, "i love you so much." his head is resting above yours now

"i love you too steve." you say careful not to hurt him as your arms are around his waist, "you're an idiot though sometimes harrington." you laugh pulling away from him

"i know.. can't help it if im hanging around idiots all the time." he smirks, to which you playfully hit him

"come here." he says placing his hand on your jaw pulling your face up, meeting you half way, and kissing you passionately. though he had the after taste of one of the creatures lingering, you ignored it, it was tolerable considering you got to kiss steve in return. was worth it as, though only arguing for less than an hour, you missed steve, missed this. missed normality. you kiss him back quickly, his hand that was on your jaw now made its way around to the back of you neck pulling you closer towards him. his over hand now resting on you hip, and your hand pressed against his bare chest

the kiss didnt last too long as you didnt want to leave the others for too long, pulling away from steve and look up into his eyes

"god can't wait to make out with you when this all finishes." steve says making you chuckle and nod at his statement, "me too." you smile. the two of you returning to the others

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