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Eddie waves his hand, signalling for us to follow him, we crouch down slightly running behind him throughout the trailer park.

we follow him until we're behind a camper-van, eddie starts trying to find a window that's open, until he finds pulling it open and lifting himself inside the small window.

once he's in the rest of us take turns climbing through the small window. Eddie then sits in the drivers seat and pulls out the wires of the front deck, pliers in his hand.

He starts cutting them quickly, exposing the live wires, steve stands behind him watching his moves, "where'd you learn how to do this?" he asks

"well when the other dads were teaching their kids how to fish or play ball, my old man was teaching me how to hot-wire. Now i swore to myself i wouldn't wind up like he did, but now i'm wanted for murder, and soon, grand theft auto." eddie says, "so, uh, i'm really living up to that Munson name."

"uh. Eddie, i'm not sure i love the idea of you driving." robin says leaning on your back

"oh. i'm just starting this sucker. Harrington's got her." he says smiling at steve, "don't ya, big boy?" he says, steve pulls back about to say something but he's lost for words

eddie then starts the engine which alerts the owners of the camper, "hey! open this door!" you hear them shouting

they're banging on the window, eddie rushes out of the divers seat and steve sits down quickly, you moving to the passenger seat.

"everybody, hang on to something!" steve shouts to the others

"drive, steve! drive!" dustin shouts

"go, go, go!" you say

steve pushes his foot down quickly on the pedal, the camper moves slowly off its space but soon gains some momentum as we drive away.

"shit they look pissed." dustin says

"irs not everyday you lose your house and car in one fell swoop." robin says

"hold on! hold on!" steve shouts as he sharply turns a corner, knocking over a lot of bins in the process, we make it to the entrance/exit turning the corner quickly

You hear steve sigh in relief getting out of there, the others were now calm too, "jesus." you hear robin curse

"how's it handle?" you ask steve

"not half bad." he says, "considering that this is a... house." you nod chuckling slightly at his half joke comment

"it's silly, but i... i've actually um... i always had this dream that i'd have this really.. really big family."

you look over at him as he continues to ramble

"i'm talking, like, uh, a full brood of harrington's. like, five, six kids."

"six?!" you asks your eyes widening

"yeah. Six little nuggets."

"if you think i'm pushing out six children you're having a laugh harrington."

"three girls, three boy." he pauses laughing quickly, "and.. and every summer, i figured all of us Harringtons, we would pack into something like this and ... just see the country. you know the rockies, grand canyon, maybe yellowstone. end up in some beachside town in California. spend a week parked in the sand. learn how to surf or something."

You can feel a smirk on your lips, "when did you become such a softy steve harrington?" you almost joke

"since the world was ending." he says bleakly

"oh." you say your smile fading, "well, uh, it.. sounds nice." you say smiling at him

"yeah?" he asks

"yeah." you agree, "well you know apart from the six kids part. That sounds absolutely horrible."

"if only i had some practice." steve says looking back at the kids behind us

"fair point."

"but uh i was thinking that.. uh.. y-" steve started but is interrupted by robin,

"hey y/n. put this on will you, i found it in one of the cupboards!" she asks handing you a cassette, you read the bad name, queen. You smile to yourself, placing the cassette into the player, pressing play.

"thanks." robin says

"no problem robin." you smile at your bestfriend, as the song, killer queen play, you look over to steve whose eyes are now focused on the road, you choose to forget what he was about to say, if it was important you were sure you'd find out at some point.

As you arrive at The War Zone, Eddie, Dustin and Lucas stay in the van, not wanting eddie to be seen by the public and dustin and Lucas staying to keep him company.

We enter the store and it's crowed with people, "so much for avoiding angry hicks." robin says

"let's be... fast." nancy says

"yep." max says

"definitely." Erica agrees

Everyone splits up finding things that would useful to us, you see erica with a whole trolley throwing things into it.

Steve walks over to you and robin, where you are looking at cases of gasoline, pulling on an army jacket

"that weirdly suits you." you say, steve smirks

"is that meant to be a compliment?" he asks half laughing, you nod, "well then thank you." he starts grabbing some of the cases

"how many do you think we'll need?" robin asks

"uh, about, 5 or 6." steve says, as you put a case into the trolley you notice robin freeze.

"robin?" you look into the direction she is and notice vicki, you nudge steve, and he groans a quick ow, before looking over at where vicki is. both smirking at how love sick robin is.

"what you gonna do robin? stand and gawk at her?" steve asks

"shut up." she says quickly, she's about to go make her way over to vicki when a guy come up behind vicki scaring her, robin steps back watching the two interact

"jesus, you scared me". you hear vicki say, the guy then pulls at vickis chin pulling her in to kiss her.

You look at robin, who looks as if her heart has been broken and shattered into millions of pieces, as vickis boyfriend starts kissing her cheek she looks over to the three of you, her face dropping as she locks eyes with robins sad ones.

Robin turns around, running away, "robin. Robin!" you and steve shout after her

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