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You look at steve and then back at robin who was running towards the exit, "you pay for these, and i'll.. i'll go after robin." you say to him, he nods, walking away.

You find the back door of the store and see robin sitting on the floor, her head resting on her arms as her knees are tucked into her chest.

You place your hand on her shoulder softly, "it's okay robin. Her loss entirely." you hear robin sniffle as she lifts her head up to look at you, she pulls her lips into a small soft smile,

"thanks." she says, her voice raspy from crying

"come on, we've got to go." you say holding your hand out towards the girl, "after all of this you can cry it all out while we watch the whole star wars trilogy, but for now let's go end this son of a bitch vecna." you say, you hear her chuckle slightly nodding, grabbing your hand and pulling herself up.

You quickly pull her into a hug, "it'll be okay." as you pull away you smile at your best friend again

"thank you y/n." she says, "now.. let's go." she says walking back to the van, you following

As you make it to the van, you can hear erica explain how the ran into Lucas' old friends, the basket ball team, meaning you had to get out of their quickly.

"let's go! let's go!"

everyone quickly sits down, and we try get out of there as quick as possible. As you exit the car park of the War Zone, you see steve look in your direction, "she okay?" he asks referring to robin

you nod, "yeah she's okay for now." you say

We continue driving for awhile until we stop at a field in the middle of no where.

Eddie and Dustin are making their shields out of bin lids and hammering nails into them, Erica and Lucas are tying daggers to sticks, Max holding down Nancys shot gun as she saws off the barrel, You, Robin and Steve sorting out the gasoline and putting it into bottles with cloths.

You notice eddie swinging his 'shield' around, testing it out. Dustin and eddie are talking when you see eddie lunge for him, "what are you doing?!" dustin shouts, Dustin backs up lunging for him this time making Eddie scream

"No wedgies! No wedgies!" Dustin shouts, with that they stop trying to tackle each other and Eddie holds Dustin by the back of the neck, saying something to him that you can't hear.

"it just doesn't make sense." steve suddenly says making you and robin turn to him

"what doesn't make sense?" robin asks

you're holding the funnel over a bottle as robin pours the gasoline into it, steve pacing around the two of you.

"that was Dan Shelter. He graduated, like, two years ago."

"so?" robin asks

"so, he's in college. which means he was visiting on spring break."

"will you stop pacing steve, it's distracting." you say, his hands now on his hips as he stops in his place

"anyway, fast times was returned, like, i don't know, a week ago? right? unless she's got some horndog brother we didn't know about. which is possible."

"steve, drop it, come on." you say as you notice robin face drop, looking slightly annoyed/uncomfortable

"or she's just really into judge Reinhold." he continues

"steve." robin says


"i don't care. And i don't understand why you do either with everything that's going on. Honestly, this feels like a perfect time for that little pull of the rug because.. in the face of the world ending, the stakes of my love life feel spectacularly low."

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