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Dustin and Erica are still walking in front of the two of you.

"can you guys see an end yet?" you complain dragging your feet

"nope." erica says clearly exhausted

you groan in annoyance, "i don't get paid enough for this." you say

"better than scooping ice cream." steve says

"pfft. As if, all you do at work is pick up girls. Not boring for you Harrington." you say laughing at the end

"hey. You calling me a slacker?" he asks

"well if that what you want to take from that." you shrug

"offended right now. You really think you're better at scooping ice cream than i am?"


"is this seriously the topic of your conversation guys?" Dustin asks

"cant you tell we are extremely bored?" you ask, "resorted to talking about work.." you make a fake hurling noise

"you know, thought it is strange that i was working with steve harrington and now weve found a russian base with two children, it's better than going on that date with billy." you laugh

You see steve freeze for a second, you look over at him, raising your eyebrow at the boy, "what's wrong?"

"no, no. it's nothing." he shakes his head

"pfft i don't believe you harrington. You are awful at lying." you point out

"am not!" he says awfully lying.

"point proven." you say smiling, "now, tell me what's wrong."

Steve takes a deep breath, "imactuallyreallygladyougotstoodupcusididntwantyoutogoonadatewiththatdouchebagororumanyguyforthatmatter." steve blurts out quickly

"excuse me?" you asks baffled at how quickly he just spoke

"not repeating it—"

"will you lovebirds stop shut up! And stop flirting It's gross." Erica says.

"I have to agree on erica with this. Shut up!" Dustin says.

"Just admit your sexual feelings towards each other." Erica says.

"WOAHHHH!" you and steve say in unison.

"we- no- that's-! YOUR—" you start


"they didnt deny it." Erica whispers to dustin and he giggles.

you and steve roll your eyes.

we then start discussing why they needed this green shit and if the mall was built just to transport this green stuff.

"you guys are so nerdy it makes me physically ill."

"no, no, no, don't lump me in with them. I'm not a nerd."

"Why so sensitive harrington?" you ask teasingly, "afraid of loosing cool points to a 10 year old."

"no i'm just saying i don't what the fuck your on about."

"well what were saying is basically that we could be walking towards a nuclear weapon." Dustin says.

"were walking towards a nuclear weapon, that's great."

"but if they are building something, why here? seriously, hawkins? of all the places."

steve and dustin stop behind and stare at each other.

"do you think the russians know-"

"do you think it's connected."
"it's possible."

"excuse me, if there something you two would like to share with the class?" you ask turning around to look at steve and dustin.

before they could answer the walkie goes off, there's a man speaking russian, he was repeating the code again.

"where ever that broadcast is coming from-"
"it's close."

"and if there's one thing we know about that signal-"

"it can reach the surface."

"let's go." you say and we all get up.

we walk down the corridor for a while, you and steve are still at the back while erica and dustin are at the front, again.

"oh look, we're y/n and steve and were so in love but we won't admit our feeling towards each other!" Dustin mocks

"Kiss me steve!" Erica says in a high pitch voice

They then start pretending to make out, not with each other though.

"alright that's enough, smartasses!" Steve says pulling them to turn around and pushes them to continue walking

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