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*3 years ago*

Eddie Munson. Your first friend. Your first love. Your first boyfriend. He was many of your firsts. But you never expected him to be the first to cheat on you. You'd hoped it would never happen to you, but unlucky for you it happened to you in your first relationship at the age of 15 , just about to turn 16.

It happened in the summer of 1983, you had just come back from summer camp and wanted to surprise your boyfriend, eddie. You had missed him so much over the course of your time at camp, the two of you sending hundreds of letters amongst you, professing your undying love to each other and how much you had missed him - you know classic cringy first relationships

So when you saw him tangled in his bed with some random whore. Well she wasn't at all a random whore.. but after you finding her with your boyfriend you had classified her as a random whore. Quite a downgrade from the title of 'best friend'

"what the actual fuck" you stand in his door way, both of the people you once considered to be your closest friends, quickly turned their heads to face you. [someone you hates name] quickly pulled the cover over herself, to which you scoffed at.
"y/n. its not what it looks like" eddie says, you pause staring at the man
"oh so you just.. slipped and fell right into my best friend?" silence.
"oh sorry.. ex-best friend." you smile at her patronisingly, she's about to say something when eddie interjects

"babe.. please it was a mistake." eddie pleads pulling on his trousers as he follows you as you walk out of the room
"yeah it was.. you're probably gonna get some sort of disease now." you say, "should probably get that checked."

why weren't you crying right now. why weren't you on your knees begging for this to be some sort of mistake, that eddie had loved you enough not to do this to you. nothing. you felt absolutely nothing. maybe it's because the looks on their faces was so priceless when they were caught it almost made you laugh and jump up and down knowing you'd fooled their sneaking around. Maybe it's because you half expected it, the letters eddie had been writing you had seemed so forced, but the same could be said on your part. maybe you weren't crying because you wanted to seem strong, to show them they didn't win. maybe you had even wished for this to happen, yes you loved eddie but maybe this was your means to an escape, finally. maybe you were too high from the adrenaline of catching them. maybe.. you were absolutely delusion.

it was the latter.

you had only realised you were crying when eddie had begged you to stop, "please y/n, don't cry."
"im no-" "oh" you realise as your fingers feel the cold streaks fall uncontrollably down your cheek

you wanted to hit him, you wanted to cut his dick off right here an now show that fucker what happened to cheaters. but you couldn't even catch your breath, the tears chocking you up.

"come here" eddie tries to console you, he tries to pull you into his chest, to which you push off of him
"don't touch me. you think im going to forgive you, eddie? are you delusional?" you shout, baffled by his lack of understanding for the situation he had put himself into

"y/n.. please don't do this. it was one time."
"it shouldn't of happened at all eddie! get away from me"

"we can work through this."
"the only thing needed work on is you learning how to control your dick, you prick. Hope she was worth getting your dick wet asshole."

at this point all the tears are now gone, you are furious at him. he thought he could just throw everything away for a random fuck and instantly apologise and you'd come crawling back? fuck off eddie munson, go do one.

"oh and eddie." you turn to him, his eyes light up with hope, "im breaking up with you."  quickly after you slam the door on his face running back to your mothers car, asking her to leave quickly before eddie tried to case after you. you let out a deep exhale. worst summer ever. you had just lost your childhood best friend and boyfriend. oh and your other best friend. both were now dead to you.

all you could think about was the look on eddies face as he saw you standing in his doorway, the shameful look of regret and pity across his feature broke your heart as you wished it didn't have to happen like this. if you had stayed 10 seconds more looking into his eyes, you would of welcomed him back into your arms. but you wouldn't let him push you over like that, no matter how much your heart had ached for him, your heart had longed for your brain to take him back.

you lay most nights in bed staring at the ceiling replaying the events that had happened, you'd curse as a single tear fell down your cheek, 'he doesn't deserve my tears' you'd mentally remind yourself

after a couple of months of ignoring eddie, which was very hard considering his constant attempt to get your attention, he'd even show up at your house sometimes to which your mother would turn him away and saying she'd call the police the next time he did this. Your house call would constantly buzz with all the calls he'd attempt, your voice mail would be cramped by eddie apologising profoundly. To which your mother had to buy a new home phone just so he'd stop calling and you'd actually be able to receive voice mails for other people. It was a living nightmare dealing with eddie trailing after you, you wished you could just remove him, erase him from ever existing from your life.

but when you were alone with your thoughts you couldn't stop yourself from remembering all the sweet moments you shared with him, as he wasn't just a boyfriend, he was once your best friend. It was hard to grieve two people when they were actually the same person.

you'd pass him in the hallways, his eyes puffy and the eye bags hung extremely low. you felt your stomach drop. He cared. he really cared. you mentally slapped yourself, 'he fucking cheated on you.'  you wouldn't allow yourself to be pitied into taking a cheater back. he deserved this. he did this to himself. his actions caused this to happen. he hurt you more than you hurt him by ending it. his eyes lingered on you, threatening to look straight into your own, he tried to break down the barrier of your eyes, peer in, but you were firm not letting him in. not giving him the chance to break you down, not letting yourself be vulnerable around him so he could worm his way back in. your eyes turned into a glare as they reached his soft eyes. he instantly looked down, eyes burning from the harshness of your own.

it had been a year now, eddie munson had now become a name you associated with someone at your school, "ohhh yes. forgot he goes here' , his connection to your past had been pushed far back into your mind, only after you had repeated his name in your head you'd remember what he did, "oh, THAT guy." youd roll your eyes and move on from the topic of him not focusing on the pain youd once felt. you had honestly moved on, made new friends and eddie had now turned into some guy that went to your school, who youd occasionally see in the hallway or the cafeteria. sometime his sad eyes would meet yours, maybe they were just permanent sad, you once thought to yourself until your friend had pointed out that it was only when he saw you. you brushed it off not caring if that was true or not. you kinda pitied the guys, youd gotten over what had happened so why couldn't he? it wasn't like he was the one who was cheated on.. youd still think about him everyday, quickly scolding yourself and stop as soon as you realised.

After all of this you swore to never get close to anyone again not wanting to go through that type of pain again.... well until steve harrington forced himself into your life. The summer you had spent with steve had been the best summer you had ever had. you felt welcomed and accepted in his dysfunctional group. felt like family. a family that would never break and alway be there for each other. You hadn't thought of eddie for the whole time you were with them or steve.

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