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*next day*

you, steve and robin were all working today, which was the perfect time for robin to gush about her not crush, viki

".. and then vicki laughed, and it wasn't like a cheap fake laugh either. It was like a real, genuine laugh."

"of course she laughed robin, my muppet joke was hilarious." steve said, restocking the horror section of films.

"my point is, vicki laughed and everything was just like.. it was perfect."


"but i'm having this problem where it's like, i should stop talking. i have said everything i need to say. but then i guess i get nervous, and the words, they-they just, keep spilling out, and it's like my.. my brain is moving faster than my mouth, or.. or rather my.. my mouth is moving faster than my brain." robins rant continues as she follows steve around the store as he restocks the shelves, with you watching from the front desk

"my brain stopped working after listening to that." you comment

"and it's like i'm digging a hole for myself,"

"im debating digging a hole for myself right now." you say lowering your head onto your hand that rested against the counter

"and i want to stop digging, i'm trying to stop, but i cant. and i'm doing it right now, arent i?"

"yep you are". steve says

"can second that." you shout

robin exhales walking back into a poster on the wall, "i'm hopeless"

as steve and robin run around trying to find their, movie of the morning, you flick through the tv - landing on the news.

"hey guys..." you trail trying to catch the others attentions

"guys! you might want to come see this!!" you shout, the two running over

"what is it y/n?" steve asks

the news shows a news reporter outside of, what you make out to be eddie munson's trailer, you feel your face drop as the news reporter confirms that a body of a Hawkins High student was discovered earlier this morning, and that the victims name had not been yet realised.

"holy shit." steve whispers

there was a horrible feeling in your stomach. eddie.

you rush over to the phone, steve and robin staring at you. both equally confused

"pick up pick up pick up." you chant desperately, holding the phone up to your ear. Everytime the phone tone rings it goes straight to your stomach making it sink with every tone.

"y/n, you alright?" robin asks

'yo this is eddie munson you've rea-' with that you slam the phone down, a frustrated groan leaving your lips, "fuck!"

"woah y/n what's up with you?"

"i- i know the guy that lives in that trailer." you explain, turning to face the two of them, "we were - we grew up together."

"oh shit."

you could see a shift in steve's body language at learning this, how you and eddie grew up together. the guys he 1000% was not jealous of because of Dustins new fondness towards him. he didn't know if he was jealous or shocked.. or both but he knew he didn't like this feeling but shrugged it off regardless seeing you panic frantically

"yeah and he's not picking up his damn phone." you sigh, holding your head up - multiple thoughts rushing through your mind, multiple outcomes of the situation.. he could be dead, he could have murdered someone. god.

"well fuck." robin mutters

"i'm gonna call dustin." you announce, after another painstaking phone dial, no pickup, "seriously!!" you groan, you feel a hand place itself on your back making you flinch and turn quickly to the person attached to the hand and relax realising it's only steve.

"hey. i'm sure he's fine." Steve says holding his arms out for you, you're pulled gently into him, your face pressed against his chest feeling the rise and fall of it with every breath he took, "thank you steve." you say letting out a held back exhale

the door opens quickly and the little bell to notify a customer went off, making you pull away from steve.

"hey steve.." it's dustin and max

"you see this?" steve asks referring to the news report

"oh so you fail to pick up my phone call and now you're here? great!" you say sarcastically

"how many phones do you have?"

"someone was murdered"

"how many phones do you have?" dustin says emphasising his question again

"two why?"

"three is you count keith's." robin says

"yeah three works." max says

"what are you doing?" steve asks as dustin takes of his backpack and slides it over the counter


"my pile!" robin complains

"no, no, no! my tapes! dude!" steve shouts as dustin then proceeds to slide over the counter

"what are you doing man?"

"setting up base of operations here." going onto the computer
"base of operations?" robin questions

"get off."

"i need it."

"need it for what?"

"eddie's friends phone numbers."

"have you heard from him?" you ask hopefully

"no, trying to reach him."

"oh eddie your new best friend who you think is cooler than me because he plays your nerdy game?

"eddie, yes. i never said that!" dustin says defensively

while robin and steve were annoyed at dustins sudden arrival and setting up of his 'base', complaining about how it was the busiest day and debating on who got to strangle him - you were right next to dustin, anticipating him finding these number and finding eddie.

"can you just fill them in while i do this." dustin says turning to max, who started to explain what she saw at eddie's trailer the previous night

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