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You walked back with steve to the others, where nancy had been explaining the upside down to the others looking off in the distance, their backs to you and steve.

good this place was miserable, you wish you could just be back at home, or even better at steve's house. doing anything better than this.. doing something better.. doing someone... your brain was filth. how could you think about sex, right now in a place like this. Your eyes trail over to steve who was shirtless. pretty easily apparently. you sigh deeply.

*flashback - sex again guys !!!11!!!11!1!!!!1!*

the rise of steve's chest synchronised with yours as your hands were pressed hard against his chest. You could feel the beat of his heart racing as he breath speed up, a small groan leaving his lips. The grip on your back became stronger, pulling you closer towards him, which you didnt think was even possible - with the fact that he buried deep inside of you.

"steve." your breath hitched as his movements became erratic, chasing his high. You rest your head against his, your lips barely touching, it felt too good to kiss him right now, your body was in a trance. Steve thrusts hard against your cervix, making you moan and pull your head back from the pleasure.

"right there steve." your breathing is erratic at this point, you find it hard to catch it or even care as you've never felt this great before.

steve's mouth is soon against your neck, running along your jaw and down again towards your collarbone and shoulder

though you were meant to be riding steve, he some how managed to take charge thrusting up into you as you lazily grind down on him occasionally. It's not like you hadn't tried to stay in control.. steve's thrusts were just too deep that your mind became hazy and couldn't keep up with his movements any longer

"s-st-" you could feel yourself itching closer to your release at any second, but steve stopped seeing your eyebrows knit together knowing you were close. You groaned out in annoyance, you try to move your hips to get any friction back, but steve's firm hands are pressing your hips down restricting your movement. you groan again, annoyed, "steve.." you whine, he chuckles, kissing up your neck slowly. this man was such a tease, a painful tease

"we've only just started, babe, can't have you finishing too early." You could cum right on the spot as his fingers trace your nipples, pulling a moan from your lips,

"steve." you voice is quiet and sounds more like a beg than a moan

"want it so bad then ride me pretty girl." he says, laying back against his headboard. his arms crossed behind his head

this cocky motherfucker.

your eyebrows knit tight as you slowly start to move your hips against his, "c-can't." his eyes blaring into you was too overwhelming. Your checks burn red. The intensity of his eyes on you, made you feel embarrassed. You'd had sex with steve a lot, but you had never gotten used to the way his eyes would travel up your body as youd ride him. it was overbearing

you felt his hand trail down the side of your torso, landing on your hip, "need some help?" he smirked. that fucking smirk.

you shook your head 'no', taking a deep breath and slowly dragging your hips against steve's

you lift yourself off of him, and slam down hard against his hips, to which steve groans his head resting against the banister of his bed, "fuck. y/n. if you keep doing that im gonna fucking cum." it was your turn to smirk now, knowing you were now semi in control.

you try lift up again, but steve's nails dig into the side of your hips holding you still against him, "don't." he says breathlessly. You always loved it when your roles reversed and steve was the one whimpering under you. i didnt happen vey often, so when it did youd try and savour the moment. which was never a good idea as he'd end up catching his breath and flipping you over so that you were under him. Which is exactly what he just did

"bad girl." steve practically growls in your ear, his hands pressing you firmly against his mattress by the hips. You try and squirm against him, trying to get out of his grip. He shakes his head with a low chuckle, sending butterflies to your stomach.

"are you going to behave?" steve asks, you wanted to be an absolute brat, and both you knew what you were doing you were shaking your head 'no'

"no?" steve questions, his eyebrow raising, "you act like a brat, ill treat you like one darling."

you hated how speechless you'd become when you and steve would have sex.. well apart from moaning his name, you were very vocal then. Sometimes so much youd lose your voice for awhile.

and i mean there was that one time,
[flashback again]
"fuck.. y/n.. can't.. please." steve's words were mumbles and blurred as he slightly caresses your hair. His head is thrown back against your headboard. You pull up to look at him, "shush my parents are down stairs." he groans opening his eyes out of the lack of contact, "okay..okay." he says quickly eager for you to put your lips around his hard on again. He moans at the feeling of contact again, his hand reaching for your hair again, but not putting pressure on you.

you pull up again, "steve you don't need to be careful with me." you laugh, "i mean its cute babe and i appreciate it, but i don't mind you.. you know push my head down at any point." you smile at him, kissing his lips passionately, he nods quickly. His mind was so hazy, from the contact of your soft lips against his dick and the fact you had allowed him to be rough with you if he wanted. fuck you were so perfect.

"feels so good y/n" steve moans as he pushes your head slightly down, honestly he didnt need to push you that far down considering youd practically taken him all in your mouth anyway. You movements became quicker as you sucked him off, steve's voice hitched, a stifled groan escaping his lips, "fuck. fuck. fuck. y/n.." his hand was gripped in your hair now as he was getting closer and closer. As he felt he was about to release, he tapped your head, signalling that you didnt have to swallow.

as if you wouldn't.

you continued taking his dick, quickening your pace, signalling that youd swallow. Steves breath was quick, and his moans became frantic, "please.. so close." he groans

"fuck, y/n.. coming. fuck." with one last groan he released in your mouth, you swallowing and pulling off of him. Steve laid against your head board, "fucking hell babe." He had a lopsided grin on his face, he looked so fucked out. You smirk at how effortlessly hot he looked even when you had just drained an energy out of him
[end of mini flashback]

steve pressed your stomach against his mattress, "gonna act like a brat sweetheart? ill treat you like one then." his breath fanned against your neck, making you nervous, as you knew he was gonna get rough with you


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