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As the four of you get closer to Dustin, Steve steps forward, "what happened?" he asks concern laced in his voice.

Dustin shakes his head, "Dustin what happened?" Steve practically yells

"hey. hey." You say holding Steve's forearm,

"he's gone!" Dustin shouts, "He killed himself for a town that hated him!" Fresh tears are falling down his cheeks, "Eddie's dead." he finally says placing his head in his hands

Your hand covers your mouth as you feel a small tear fall against your cheek. Robin and Nancy held their heads down.

"Buddy. I'm sorry." Steve says sitting next to him, bringing him into a side hug. Dustin rests his shoulder against steve's, his sobs becoming louder.

You sit on the other side of him joining their hug, Robin joining shortly after.

Nancy stands awkwardly, she clear her throat, "sorry to break it up..." she says not wanting to offend anyone, "but it's probably not safe to stay here." she says

"Nancys right." Robin says, you nod as well standing up. The three of you walk first towards the trailer, Steve and Dustin following shortly after.

As you guys make it through the gate, you head straight to where Lucas, Max and Erica were at the mansion.

"I'll drive!" you say grabbing steve's car keys

"no!" they all shout, Steve grabbing them out of your hand making you huff.

You guys make it to the mansion and as you get out the car you can hear a scream, "did anyone hear that?" Steve asks, receiving some nods and 'yes's

You guys run into the house when you hear a strained yell, "Erica!" coming from the attic. You guys share confused glances as you run up the stairs

Once you guys make it to the attic, you can see Lucas holding Max in his arms, Erica at his side. Once you get closer you can tell he's been crying.

"Help!" he says when he sees you guys. You rush over holding one of max's arms as Lucas takes the other. You can feel your eyes water as you start to cry, trying not to sob at the thought of Max dying.

"What happened?" Steve asks as the rest of the group try and support you and Lucas.

"Vecna, he got her." Lucas says

"We need to take her to a hospital." Nancy says

We bring her down to the ground floor as quick as possible and get her towards the car, sitting her up in the back.

Lucas supports her as Erica sits on the other side of her. Nancy, Robin and Dustin sit in the boot.

"Quick steve!" You say, as the drive continues sniffles can be heard amongst everyone, obviously all crying at the point.

Steve practically speeds the whole way there, and as you get to the hospital you guys quickly take her to the emergency rooms, Lucas and Erica taking her as no one else was allowed.

The rest of you sit in the waiting room, Dustin and Robin fast asleep and Nancy was currently on the pay phone down the hall.

Steve's arm was around your shoulder as you rested your head on his, "they look so peaceful." you say referring to Robin and Dustin.

"You can fall asleep you know, i'll wake you up when we hear anything." He says

"Cant. I'm too worried and anxious." You admit, you hear Steve sigh.

"I hope she'll be okay." he says, you nod, it was clear by the silence that both of you were near to tears.

"she cant die." you choke out.

"she won't." Steve tries to sound convincing, "but she's strong." he says confidently

"and stubborn." You smile, making Steve chuckle, "that she is."

"Come on lets get some coffee." He says pulling you up, you slowly follow, not realising just how tired you really were.

"Best get Robin some too, she'll smell ours and instantly jolt awake." You say, Steve nods, he interlocks his hand with yours as you two walk down the hospital hallways

"Vending machine! bingo!" You say as you see the selection of sweets, "oh. I don't have any cash." You say flatly, looking towards steve, smiling in your tired state.

He huffs handing you some loose change, "thank you. Love you." you say quickly pooking at the numbered buttons you want.

"What coffee you want?" he asks looking at all the options, "just a latte please. Get Robin the same as well." He nods getting the three free hospital coffees.

You hear your item drop against the floor of the vending machine, opening the door and grabbing the pack of chocolate m&ms you chose pocketing them quickly.

You grab the two coffees off the machine counter, following Steve back to the waiting room. You settle your coffee down on the side table next to your chair quickly.

Then going over to Robin and wafting the coffee into her direction, she lazily opens one eyes looking at the coffee then towards you, "Latte," you explain, she sits up opening both her eyes and stretching.

"Thank you darling." She says taking the cup out of your hand, "it's free so may not taste the nicest, added a shit load of sugar though." You say

"Perfect." She says, blowing you a quick kiss, that you reciprocate, before she takes her first sip.

You walk back over to where steve is sipping his coffee, sitting down next to him and pulling out the packet of m&m's.

You open it and gesture it towards Steve, "woah- y/n sharing chocolate???" He asks dumb founded, "it's a one time occurrence, okay?" you say

"yeah yeah." he chuckles taking a handful.

You take your first sip of the latte, placing it straight back down, "that's so shit." you say

"i know." Steve says as he continues to drink his, "you get used to it." he shrugs

"Think i'll just sleep." You say, giving into your tiredness, leaning your head against Steve's shoulder and closing your eyes. Steve pecks you on the forehead, "don't snore."

"I don't snore." you huff, he scoffs, You fall asleep quickly after.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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