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"So, this is basically hawkins, but, with like monsters and shit?' eddie asks

"Pretty much." nancy says, "oh and you probably don't want to touch those vines, its all a hive mind." she says pointing at the vines near eddies feet, making him stop his movements

"its a what?' eddie asks confused.

"all the creepy crawlies around here, dude. They're, like, one or something." steve explains, "step on a vine, you're stepping on a bat, you're stepping on vecna."

"shit." eddie curses

"but everything from our world is still here, right? expect people?" robin asks, "obviously." she adds

"as far as i understand it, yeah."

"so, theoretically. We could go to the polic station and steal guns and grenades and whatever we need to blow up those bat things that are guarding the gate." robin says

"i highly doubt the Hawkins PD have grenades, robin." you say, after all they were useless

"but guns, yeah, sure." steve says

"well, we don't have to go all the way downtown for guns." nancy says, "I have guns, in my bedroom."

"you? nancy wheeler, have guns, plural, in your bedroom?" eddie asks

"full of surprises, isn't she?" robin says, you nudge robin,

"did you know about this?" you whisper to her, she shakes her head, looking as shocked as you were, but she was also impressed

"A russian Makarov and a revolver." nancy says, describing what guns she has

"yeah, you almost shot me with that one." steve says

"hold on- what?-" you ask, the story continues to shock you

"long story- ill explain later." steve says

"you almost deserved it." this story continues to confuse you, you stare at the two baffled,

"why is no one questioning this?" you ask robin and eddie, to which the two shrug at you, you sigh feeling frustrated - you see steve smirking at your annoyed state, which makes a small smile erupt against you lips, you try control it but as steve starts to chuckle you can't stop the wide smile on your lips.

suddenly there's a low rumble sending all five of you tumbling to the ground, trying to stabilise each other and not fall over. You feel robin fall into you as steve holds you shoulders tight. Eddie and Nancy are holding onto each other to stop themselves from falling too. You link your arm with robins as you try hold yourself up as steve keeps you grounded. The force was too strong that the five of you were all pushed to the ground.

"Oh my god!" robin shouts

You feel yourself fall back onto steve, but he wraps his arm around your waist and holds onto you tight, your arm is still linked with robin as shes holding onto it desperately. The rumbling stops and everyone tries to sit up, catching their breaths

"yeah, so, guns seem like a pretty good idea to me." eddie says

"yeah, me too." robin agrees

You catch you breath and try to sit up, turning your head upwards to look at steve, "thanks." you smile at him, he shakes his head holding his hand out for you, which you quickly take pulling yourself up, "of course." he says, kissing your forehead quickly.

"uh, hello?" robins voice pulls you away from steve, your head moving quickly to look at her, "still on the floor here." she says her hands up in the air, signalling for you to take them and help her up.

"sorry." you say quickly, reaching your hands out to hers and pulling her up.

"thanks." shes says dusting herself off

"so what are we waiting for?" nancy asks

We make our way through the upside down forest towards nancy's house, me Robin and Nancy leading the way, the guys behind us talking about something. You keep looking back, hoping steve doesnt have the urge to punch eddie in the face again. Steve could tell what you were thinking as he noticed you keep looking back at him, so he waved you off, signalling that it was fine and you didnt have to worry, you nodded, focusing on what was in front of you.

"couldn't we have tried a road, or something just slightly less creepy?" robin asks

"i think were getting close. were almost out of here. don't worry." nancy reassures her

"eddie." steve whispers, "hey eddie. uh, i just wanted to say sorry. and also thanks for saving my ass back there, you know considering what i did."

"shit. you saved your own ass, man." eddie says, "and its fine don't worry about it, i deserved it, after what i did to y/n.." he could feel the tense atmosphere of the mere mention of you name and what he had done, eddie cleared his throat, "you know Henderson told me you were a badass. Insisted on the matter, in fact."

"wait, henderson said that?" steve asks

"oh yeah. shit. kid worships you, dude. Like you have no idea. its kinda annoying, to be honest." steve scoffs slightly

"i don't even know why i care what that little shrimp thinks, but, uh, guess i got a little jealous, steve. and well, could say the same when i found out about you and y/n-" steves about to interrupt him when he mentions your name, "and yes i know i had no right after what i did. i guess i couldn't accept the fact that Steve Harrington was actually a good dude. Rich parents, popular, chicks love him. not a douche? too perfect to be true. still jealous by the way. which is why i would have never jumped in that lake to save your ass. Not under any, uh.. normal circumstances. Nope."

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