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you noticed eddie's eyes were firmly glued to the ground, he was shaking now, ashamed of what he did.

everyone was silent. it was so loud.

"he fucking what?" steve asked covering his mouth afterwards

"it was awhile ago, steve, it's fine now." you try to say

eddie looks up at steve, who had rage flowing through his veins, you try hold him back, but he's too focused on eddie right in front of him

he aims straight for eddie, hitting him square in the face.

"steve!" you shout pulling him back trying to get him to stop hitting eddie, who was now on the floor trying to shield himself from the rage of steve

"woah!" robin says

"steve!" dustin shouts helping you pull him back

"calm down!" nancy shouts making everyone stop and look at her, "we can't fight like this, not now!"

"course you side with him.." you hear steve mumble

"steve. don't." you warn

"why not? it's true, people like them stick together. cheaters." luckily nancy didn't hear him, because you know he was just saying that due to the adrenaline of punching eddie in the face

"not cool dude." eddie says holding his face

"shut it!" you all shout at him

"you're not helping." max states

"great. good to know everyone hates me now." to which steve scoffs at

"don't make me hit you again."

"steve." you were pissed now, you didn't need him to punch the guy who cheated on you three years ago, you were over it now. He looks up at you, seeing your eyebrows were creased

"what?" he questions, his features softening, you shake your head at him walking over to robin. steve looks up at dustin confused and he just shrugs in return

"this is why i didn't want to say anything. can we just forget it?" you ask crossing your arms



and some nods in the group

"i cant forget it." steve said, "he cheated on you y/n!" steve pissed again

"i know steve! but it's in the past, i don't care anymore."

"i'll forget it when harrington apologies for hitting me." eddie speaks up

"fuck off eddie." you say, "you should be greatful we are still helping your sorry ass."

he shoots his arms up in defence

"cant believe we're still helping this guy." steve scoffs

"steve will you drop it, please?" you sigh

"no. no y/n, i cant drop it." steve says

"stop being so stubborn."

at this point the others had walked away from the two of you, understanding that this was probably about to turn into an argument

"i dont need you to 'protect' me like that." you say using quote marks

"your being a push over right now y/n."

"excuse me." you stare at him, "a push over? it was three years ago steve, i cant hold onto my past for that long. i chose to get over it and i did.. he's not worth my time or yours. or getting bloody knuckles for."

"i'm not having this conversation with you steve." you say walking away from him

"fine just ignore everything why don't you y/n."

"why are you trying to start an argument right now steve?" he was getting on your last nerve

"you know what, if you're so forgiving why don't you go back to him, huh." steve says scoffing

"are you fucking joking right now?" you laugh out of shock

"no. i'm not." he says his hands on his hips

"i don't want to talk about this, it's never gonna happen, me and eddie is never gonna happen again. i'm going back to the other." you say walking away from him

arguing right now was lame. it was the least of your problems. but he was getting on your nerves, so you decided to ignore him for the rest of the day. because that's the mature thing to do of course

everyone stands around eddie as he starts to explain what had happened at lovers lake

"hey uh? henderson's not cursed is he?" eddie asks as he watches dustin pace around

"cursed? no, no. he's fine. mental? absolutely"

"boom!" dustin shouts making us all look at him insanely confused

"bada.. bada.. boom." he sort of whispers pointing at steve, to which he shakes his head at

"i was right. skull rock was north."

"seriously? you're serious?"


"this is skill rock. okay?"


"you're completely. absolutely. 100% wrong."

"yes. and no." dustin says

"oh my god." steve says holding his face in his hands

"this compass worked correctly when we left the wheelers'" dustin continued to talk about how his compass was wrong and that an electromagnetic field could effect a magnetic

"so either, there's a super big magnetic around.."

"or there's a gate." lucas finishes

"but we're no where near the lab."

"there could be a smaller less powerful gate somewhere".

"snack-sized gate." robin says

"where are you going?" steve asks dustin as he starts to walk off, "eddie is still a wanted man we can't just go for a hike in the woods."

"this little steel capsule might be the key to saving both max and eddie."

"what say you, eddie the banished?"

"i say you're asking me to follow you into mordor, which, if i'm totally straight with you, i think is a really bad idea. but, uh, the shire... the shire is burning." eddie says, to which dustin jumps up and down smiling brightly

eddie stands up from his place, "so mordor it is."

"what is mordor?" you hear steve asks

as you walk you can feel steve looking in your direction but you quickly catch up with robin not wanting to speak with him right now.

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