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your pov

"help!" i yell



"hey, would you stop yelling." steve says mumbling

"steve, oh my god." i say sighing with relief.

"are you okay?"

"my ears are ringing, i can't really breathe, my eye feels like it going to pop out of my skull, but, you know, apart from that i'm doing pretty good."

"okay well those idiot russians left some scissors on the side. to your right, your other right."

"if we hope over there we can-"

"cut the tape and get out of here!"


"okay so on three."




we both hop and laugh as it worked.

"okay again."




this time we fall on our side and both groan and we hit the cold floor.

"i can't believe i'm going to die in an evil russian base with steve the hair harrington."

"y/n, we're not going to die."

"you know, i was so worried about you earlier." I sigh

"yo-you, you where?" he asks surprised.

"yes, okay, i really care about you and if something where to hap-"

"y/n." steve says stopping you, "i'm fine, your fine, we're going to make it out, okay i promise."

"ste- steve, i wanted to tell you something. in case- well in case, we uh....die-" I say nervously, "i-i um...-" before you could finish the russian bastards come back into the room with the so called 'doctor'

the guard laughs, "where were you two going?"

they pull us back up and the guard walks towards steve, "try telling the truth this time, yes? it will make your visit with doctor Zharkov less painful."

"wait a sec, hold on, wait. wait, stop. Okay, what is that thing?!"

"it will help you talk." the doctor says.

he holds steve but his hair, "did you even clean that thing." Steve let's put a loud scream as he is injected by the doctor.

"honestly, i don't even feel anything. do you?" steve asks.

"i mean i...i.. i feel fine."

"yeah i feel normal."

"i mean i feel, kinda good." steve says laughing, making me laugh along with him.

"wanna know a secret?" i ask


"i like it too!" i say laughing.

"morons, they messed up the drugs."

"they messed it up!"

"moronsssss." We both laugh.

"there's definitely something wrong with us-"

the door then opens, the same russians from before we're back.

the doctor started placing a bunch of 'weapons' on the counter.

"let's try this again,yes?"

steve nods

"who do you work for?"

"scoops ahoy." Steve snickers, making me laugh too.

"how did you find us?"

"totally by accident."

The doctor grabs something that looks like it could pull out someone's tooth.

"what is that shiny little toy."

"whoa! whoa! hey! hey! wait, no, wait, wait!" steve yells as the doctor places the 'shiny little toy' over his index finger.

"there was a code, we heard a code." i shout quickly.

"code. what code?"

"the week is long, the silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in west. blah, blah, blah. You broadcast that spy shit all over town, and we picked it up in our Cerebro, and we cracked it in a day. A day!"

"you think your so smart, but a couple of kids, who scoop ice cream for a living cracked your code in a day, and now, people know you're here."

"who knows we are here (little bitch)"

"uh, well, dustin knows."

"hey, steve!"

"yeah, dustin henderson, he knows."


"dustin henderson." the russian repeats.

"is it your small curly-haired friend?"

"oh, curly-haired. great hair. Small. Kind of 'fro like, yeah."

"where is he?"

"he's long gone, you big asshole. and he's probably calling hopper, and hoppers calling the US cavalry."

"there gonna come in here, commando-style, guns a-blazing, and kick your sorry asses back to russia. Your gonna be two pieces of toast." Steve snickers.

"is that so?"

"yeah." me and steve both laugh.

the alarm starts to go off and the russian soldier leave to see what was happening.

Dustin comes bursting through the door, and charges at the doctor with a weird electric stick, "heyy! henderson. i was just talking about you."


"get ready to run."

Dustin unties us and we all run out of the room, me and steve run hand in hand still laughing, while following dustin and erica.

"your hands are sweaty." I laugh.

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