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We all sit around El as she screams at the top of her lungs.

"what is that?" Erica asks

"There's something in there." The tall boy says.

"no!" Eleven cries.

"jesus christ." Dustin says

"keep her talking. Keep her awake, okay?" Jonathan says getting up to go somewhere.

"jesus christ." Dustin says again

"hey, hey, hey. Stay awake, stay awake. Let's get her on on this side, on this side." the tall boy says to dustin as he helps move el.

"easy, easy, easy, easy." Steve says helping move el.

Jonathan gets back with a wooden spoon and a butcher knife, "okay. All right el? This is gonna hurts like hell, okay?"

"okay." El sobs.

"I need you to stay real still." He says putting on some gloves.

"Here, your gonna want to bite down on this, okay?" Jonathan says, handing her the wooden spoon.

The tall boy grabs the spoon and places it in front of her mouth, for her to bite down on.

"holy shit. holy shit." Dustin mutters

Jonathan gets the knife and hovers it over her leg, "do it." the tall boy says. Jonathan then makes an opening in el's leg, making her scream out in pain.

Everyone looks away and groans, as blood started to pour out of her leg, and her screams continue

"oh shit." Dustin says

jonathan puts down the knife, and slowly puts his hand in the gap he made, making el scream even more.

"jonathan!" Nancy says

"stop talking."

"no! stop it!" El says spitting out the wooden spoon.

"i can do it." El stares at her leg and groans, the glass behind us cracking from the noise. Eventually she got it out, it was a small bit of flesh with bone? on it. It stated to move but a man, who i recognised a hopper, squashed it.

With him was a small women and a bald man with a beard.

we all gathered round the water fountain and the kids started to explain what was happening.

"the mind flayer, it built this monster in hawkins, to stop el, to kill her and pave a way into our world." The tall boy says

"and it almost did. That was just one tiny piece of it." Nancy says

"how big is this thing?" hopper asks

"it's big." Jonathan replies, "thirty feet at least."

"yeah." Lucas agrees, "it sort of destroyed your cabin." Lucas tells hopper, "sorry"

"okay, so just to be clear, this.... this big fleshy spider thing that hurt el, is some sort of gigantic.... weapon?" steve asks

"yes." Nancy replies

"but instead of, like, screws and metal, the mind flayer made it's weapon... with melted people."

"yes, exactly."

"yeah, okay. I— yeah, i'm just making sure."

"are we sure this thing is still out there, still alive?" Joyce byers asks, jonathan's mum.

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