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you, robin and nancy started walking towards the public library where nancy had explained everything she knew about some guys named Victor Creel, who had murdered his family back in the '50s, and how she believe he could be linked to what was going on.

"okay help me get this straight. Eddie's uncle, wayne, thinks that victor creel escaped from pennhurst asylum and that he's the one running around hawkins committing these murders?" robin asks

"pretty much." nancy said

"but eddie didn't see anyone and he said chrissy floated into the air, levitating and shit, then her bones cracked.." you say, "couldn't of been him."

"yeah and victor committed the eyeball murders, like, waaay back in the 50s."

"well, '59"

"so, that means these murders predate eleven and the upside down by like 30 years?"

"yeah." nancy says, we were now in the library standing in front of the desk

"which makes spooky victor creel like 70 years old."

"yep." nancy says singing the bell on the library desk

"so, he's a grandpa murderer who can turn invisible and lift people in the air."

"it doesn't make sense. i know. that's why i said it was a shot in the dark." nancy says ringing the bell again

"i know. i just thought that by 'shot in the dark', you were being modest or hiding something super solid up your sleeve that you were gonna wow us with later." making nancy quickly roll her eyes

"but this is really, truly a shot in the dark. Like we are snipers with blindfolds on who've been spun around 50 times." at robins rambling you can tell nancy has become impatient as she rings the bell rapidly

"coming!" the librarian says finally

"hi. sorry, we're in a bit of a rush. could we get the keys to the basement archives?"

"course. give me one sec." the librarian leaves and with in seconds robin turns to nancy,

"did i come off as mean or condescending? or something?"


"right. Sorry. it's just, you seem annoyed. you don't know me very well. i don't really have a filter, or a strong gasp of social cues."

"she doesn't." you says agreeing with what robin was saying


"so if i say something that upsets you just know i know it's a flaw. believe me, my mother reminds me daily."

"got it."

"alright, ladies. here you go. have fun." the librarian comes back with the basement keys, nancy takes them

"yep we'll try." she says almost sarcastically

you look over to robin as nancy walks ahead, she shrugs her shoulders and you place your hand on her shoulder reassuringly, "don't worry robin, i love that you have no filter." you smile at her and she gives you a small, thanks. as you both follow nancy down to the basement

the three of you sit at microfilm readers (lol had to look that up), nancy sitting at the one opposite you and robin decided to share

"anything... juicy over there?" robin asks nancy

"juicy?" you laugh at her choice of words she just shrugs at you

"nothing new."

"yep. same over here." robin says popping the 'p'

"do you have any idea of what we're meant to be looking for." you whisper to robin as you continue to go through the numerous newspaper reports

"what are we looking for exactly?" robin questions nancy, "nance?" and with yet another pause, robin knocks on the wooden case enclosing the machines you were using

"any mention of dark wizards or alternate dimensions? things in that vein?"

"i don't know. okay? it's starting to seem like this was just a big waste of time. and you're obviously bored, so why don't you just call steve? i'm sure he'll come pick you both up. and i mean i'm not really in danger here, so..." nancy walks away from the two of you

robin looks at you confused and you return the same look, going in the same direction as nancy - where robin finds the, weekly watcher.

robin scrolls through the many articles landing at one, "victor creel claims vengeful demon killed family. The murder that shocked a small community." read the title of one of the articles in one of those movie voice over voices

"ha. ha. that's very funny "

"i'm not kidding."

"she's serious nance, come look at this." you say, nancy walks over to the two of you as robin reads the rest of the article

"what if this was vecna..."

"dustin this is robin do you copy?" robin says tuning into the radio, "nancy is a genius." she then begins to explain how we believed that victor creel was the first victim of vecna

"uh okay, that's totally bonkers but i cant really talk right now."

"why, what are you doing?"

"breaking and entering the school to retrieve some confidential and extremely personal files."

"they're what??" you exclaim

"can you repeat that?"

"just get your ass over here, stat. we'll explain everything."

"i thought they were talking to ms kelley." nancy says

"we leave them alone for two hours." you complain getting into nancy's car

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