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You, Robin, Steve and Nancy make your way up to the attic slowly, once you arrive in the dark room covered in the hive mine vines, you see Vecna in his trance floating in the air multiple vines attached to him

Robin drops her rucksack, allowing you, her and steve to pull out the alcohol bottles. Robin hold the lighter, igniting it for you and steve to set alight the rags hanging from the bottles.

Steve throws his first, as it hits Vecna's body which ricochets him backward, the fire spreading across his body. The fire was so intense you and the others had to cover yourselves

Next you throw your bottle towards him, making him set aflame, the vines pulling away from him making him fall down.

He catches himself before landing on the floor, looks up at you guys, steve grabs ahold of your hand, nervous incase your guys plan failed. Vecna looks up at you guys and started waking towards you.

Robin set fire to her bottle and throws it at Vecna, pushing him back again. Now nancy steps forwards, aiming her shotgun at Vecna. She keeps moving towards him as she shots him, pushing him further towards the back wall.

As nancy fires her last shot, Vecna falls against the wall of the attic, breaking the panelling, falling down the the ground below.

After Vecna falls, you guys run through the house and down to the outside to see if you really had killed vecna. But as you guys make it to where vecna had fell, his body is gone and there's only fire scattered on the lawn along with spots of blood.

"fuck." you curse

"what- what does this mean?" Robin asks. "does this mean it worked, or did he escape."

"i'm not sure." nancy says

"was all that for nothing?" robin starts

"robin." steve warns

"is vecna still alive?"


"is he gonna kill us all and end up destroying hawkins?"

"robin!" steve shouts

"what?" she shouts back

"we dont know, okay? but we have to hope for the best." steve says

"steve's right." nancy says, "we don't know if we failed or won. we just have to hope the others have everything under control."

"no point worrying rob." You say patting her back, robin groans in annoyance as she knew our points were correct

"fine. You guys are right." she rolls her eyes. "so what now?" she asks

you shrug, "we wait out in vecnas creepy mansion i guess."


"we should head back to the gate." nancy says

but suddenly we hear the clock behind us chime loudly, making us all look back into the house where it is. You guys run over to it, listening out for the out of chimes

"4 chimes." robin says

"max." nancy says

You hold your hand over your mouth at the realisation, you see steve have worry written across his face.

but before anyone can say or do anything else, there's a huge rumble throwing you guys off balance, steve grabbing onto the banister and the rest of you struggling to hold onto something around you.

"guys grab on!" steve says, the three of you moving towards the banister and holding on tight.

As the rumbling stops, you can hear everyone take a huge sigh, pulling themselves up. "what happened, did we fail?" robin asks

"let's go find out." nancy says already half way out of the door.

robin looks over at you and steve, you both shrug at nancy's rush. But before you and steve and start walking towards the door, robin pulls you guys into a hug

"i'm glad we made it." she says, "i didn't have full hope we would. but happy we did. I dont know what i would do without you guys." robin says

"awh robin, you love us so much you dork." you say hugging her tightly

"i don't love when you guys are overly PDA-y." she says, you could tell she had rolled her eyes, making you and steve chuckle.

"we love you too robin," steve says

"and glad nothing happened to you either." you add

"hurry up guys." nancy shouts watching you guys from the front porch

"coming!" robin shouts, you guys pull away from the hug and robin runs out to where nancy is to catch up with her.

You and steve stand in front of each other for a second, you smile at him, but before you can say anything he pulls you into an embrace.

Steve let's out a long sigh, "i honestly didn't think we'd make it through those vines." he admits

"neither." you say, "didn't not appreciate being choked by those vines."

"yeah, only i get to do that." steve smirks, your mouth hangs open in disbelief of the joke he just made. You smack his forearm,

"steve harrington!" you scold

"what? we both know it's true." he says

"shut up." you reply, he chuckles, pecking multiple times on the neck,

after a few times you gently push him back, "alright, alright, lover boy, let's go catch up with robin and nancy." You say

"just one kiss y/n! we almost died." he complains

"fine." you roll your eyes, "one, short, kiss." you say

"mh. cant promise it will be short." he smirks, pulling you towards him and connecting your lips, as your lips move against each other, you feel steve's tongue swipe across your bottom lip, you pull back muffling something inaudible.

"i said short!" you say

"urgh." steve groans in annoyance

"seriously we have to go." you say pulling him behind you as you guys excite the mansion, trailing behind robin and nancy.

You guys follow them to where eddie's trailer was, where you see dustin sitting on the outside stairs. You guys all share a glance, noticing the absence of eddie, as dustin sits with his head in his hands.

"this can't be good." robin says

As you guys get closer, dustin looks up at you guys, you notice the puffiness of his eyes and how red they were. Your heart dropped realising they answer to, why eddie wasn't with him.

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