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You sit around in the campervan, as Nancy discusses the plan again,

"phase one?" she asks

"we meet Erica at the playground." robin answers, "she'll signal Max and Lucas when we're ready."

"phase two."

"Max baits Vecna." steve says, "he'll go after her, which'll put him in his trance."

"phase three?"

"me and eddie draw the bats away." Dustin says


"we head into Vecnas, hopefully newly bat-free lair, and.." you start, Robin shakes the bottles you guys had prepared earlier.

"..and flambé."

"nobody moves onto the next phase until we've all copied. nobody deviated from the plan, no matter what. Got it?" nancy says

"got it." we all reply

we then exist the van, that was parked in the forest next to eddie's trailer, and make our way to eddie's trailer.

"be careful." dustin says as steve gets ready to climb up into the gate

"thanks buddy." he replies tapping his shoulder

"here goes nothing." steve says as he grabs the rope pulling himself up, he stops just as his head reaches above the gate, and throws himself down landing on his feet.

He looks up at us, shrugging his arms at us, "woooah. What does he want us to do, applaud?" Robin says sarcastically, making you chuckle,

"he's such a show off." robin nodding at your statement

Steve comes back shortly after with the mattress, placing it under the gate, "all right. Let's go." he says

Everyone takes off their gear and weapons, ready to climb through the gate

"ladies first." Robin say dropping down on one knee to give you a leg up,

"thanks." you say holding onto her hand to steady yourself, reaching onto the rope and pulling yourself up soon after

You land on the mattress, steve's hand extended in front of you to pull you up. You take it and as he pulls you up, your faces are close together making you chuckle


"thanks." you say

Next the others send through the weapons and take it in turns to travel through, next is nancy, then her gun, then eddie and then his shield, then robin, who travels with a yelp as she lands. The last of the weapons and then finally dustin.

With all of you through, you leave the trailer and start to separate into the two groups.

"hey, guys, listen." Steve says turning to eddie and dustin, "if things here start to go south, i mean, at all, you abort. Okay? draw the attention of the bats. keep 'em busy for a minute or two. We'll take care of Vecna. Don't try to be cute or be a hero or something. okay? you guys are just—"

"—decoys." dustin interrupts, "don't worry. you can be the hero, steve."

"absolutely. i mean, look at us. we are not heroes." eddie says

Steve nods

"hey, guys?" eddie says, "make him pay." you guys nod,

"good luck." you and robin say to them

"you too." dustin shouts back

with that, you guys head over to Victor Creels house, while eddie and dustin stay at eddie's trailer protecting it with scrap materials they could find.

"uh, i don't mean to freak anyone out, but i swear we've seen this tree before." Robin says as he points her flashlight a tree

"that's impossible." nancy says

"that would suck, right?" robin says, "if vecna destroyed the world because... 'cause we got lost in the woods?"

"we're not lost robin." you try to reassure her, robin chuckles sarcastically, "robin, hey."

"watch out for the vines! hive mind." nancy says following robin behind closely, furthering the distance between them and you and steve.

"uh, don't worry about her, she's just stressed." steve says, "you know, scared."

"yeah. yeah. i know." you say, "it's just..."

"she's a super klutz?"

you nod, "I've watched her face plant into hard floors numerous times and even seen her trip over her own feet. Her shoe laces were done up."

Steve chuckles, "i really shouldn't laugh. when i was a baby i actually crawled backwards."

"crawled backwards?" you ask

"you know, i'd push with my hands like this." he motions with his hands moving while adding sound effect of, "beep, beep."

"always in reverse, you know? i mean come on it makes sense. You push to move, right?"

"mh, no, no it doesn't make sense." you say chuckling

"well, it did to my tiny little harrington brain. That is of course, until i reversed my baby butt down a flight of stairs and thumped my head really good."

"wow, explains a lot." you say smiling

"hey!" steve says, "well guess you're right. But i guess, if i get a big enough thump on my head, i can change, i can learn you know. I can crawl forward." steve pauses

"Listen, i guess what i'm trying to say in a really stupid, roundabout way is, um.." steve stops walking, making you stop also, watching him. He clicks his tongue, "..is thank you. And i'm sorry."

You watch him, confusion clearly written on your features as steve continues, "for everything with the eddie situation, i shouldve have said those things to you and i guess you ignoring me, justifiable of course, just made me realise how stupid i had been and how i couldn't lose you over something i did that was stupid."

"you already apologised steve, it's fine." you smile at him

"i guess i just couldn't forgive myself for what i said, i didn't mean any of it, ya know, heat of the moment thing.." he says shrugging


"remember the dream i told you about? about the Winnebago? About seeing the country with my six lil' nuggets?"

You nod reluctantly not knowing where he was going with this

"well, it's all true. every last word. but i left one part out. It's the most important part. You're there. you've always been there." steve says, his eyes are full of worry as he watches you for a reaction

your lips curve into a small smile, "i'd like that harrington." you say, pulling him into a quick hug and kiss his cheek, "not the 6 children part though, you're insane to thinking i'm going through all that pain." You say, hand tangled in his hair, "3 max." you notice steve pout slightly, "4 if you're convincing enough." With this steve laughs, "fine, fine, you win." making you grin at the boy

"come on, let's go catch up with the others." You say holding onto steve's hand as you try to catch up with robin and nancy

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