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As we were walking through the long corridor, we finally find an area where there are rooms around a circular centre. We quickly run towards a metal box to hide behind

"Okay, clear." Steve said ushering us to follow him, closer towards the centre

"okay, come on, let's go."

"okay, that was close."

"too close."

"relax, alright. relax nobody saw..." Steve stops as he turns the corner and see a lot of people and a small red transport car.

Someone looks in our direction and we quickly duck behind a box, "shit. Jesus."

"red dawn.." dustin whispers

"I saw it! First floor northwest." Erica says

"saw what?" Steve asks.

"the comms room!"

"you saw the comms room?"


"are you sure?"

"positive, the door was open for a second, and i saw a bunch of lights and machines and shit in there."

"that could be a hundred different things." Dustin says.

"I'll take those odds." you say to steve

Steve shakes his head sighing at me, "alright we're going to move fast, we're gonna stay low, okay?"


We all run, while crouching, to another box and wait until the coast is clear. We move to another box, "shh." steve quickly whispers.

"move it!" Steve whisper yells

he quickly tucks his hair behind his ear, making you look in his direction, but quickly divert your eyes

a man then came out of the 'comms room' and we waited until he had left. "let's go."

Steve quickly ran to the door, grabbing it so it didn't close.

"sh,sh. Come on."

Once we all got inside steve sighed closing the door slowly and quietly.

Me, Erica and Dustin stared at the man in the chair and waited until steve noticed him.

The russian man lifted off his headphones and stood up looking at us confused.

He started to say something in russian and all of us just stared at him. Not knowing what to do

He went to grab something out of his pocket but you quickly said "tread lightly." in russian, making the man stop

you pointed towards erica, steve and dustin and said "silver cat" in russian. you looked back at the others unsure of what to do.

the man then tried to grab something out of his pocket again but steve screamed running at him.

"what the fu-"

steve pushed him into the controls but the russian man pushed him away and swung a punch at him. Steve dodged his punch and the man pulls him by the collar onto another panel.

He grabbed his collar from behind but steve elbows him in the stomach pushing him back.

He then grabs what looks like a speaker phone and hits the russian soldier around the face making him fall and smack his head into a ledge and fall onto the ground.

Steve pants and moves his hair out of his face
"dude!" Steve looks back at you guys, "you did it, you won a fight!" Dustin shouts excitedly.

"jeez..." steve laughs

"well fuck me." you say

"no sexual feeling, huh?" Erica asked me with her arms crossed.

you glare at her, "i didn't mean it literally."

Dustin then goes over to the russian man on the floor and takes his key card.

"what are you doing?" Erica asks.

"getting us our ticket out of here."

"you want to walk all the way back?" Erica asks

"well, we can hang out for a little bit, relax, have a picnic maybe." Dustin says sarcastically

"have a picnic? We came here for the radio!" Erica says obviously not hearing the sarcasm in his voice

"this plan is way better......"

you stopped listening to their bickering as you noticed a flashing blue light. you went up some stairs and noticed something strange. it was a weird beam of light that was coming for a massive machine.

you went back down the stairs, "guys!" they stopped and looked at you, "there's something up there."

you open the door letting the kids come out first then steve, "let's go." he whispers.

you shut the door behind you and walk up to a door with a window. All four of us stare at the room slightly confused and shocked.

"holy shit." Dustin mummers

we see them put the green liquid tubes into the machine from before. The beam from the machine is directed towards a wall with a fiery red background.

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