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"hey, uh Hnerdson?'
"could you maybe, uh, clarify what sort of clues we're supposed to be looking for here?"

"the world is full of obvious things," Dustin says in a terrible British accent, "which nobody by any chance ever observes."
you stifle a laugh, "that was an awful British accent henderson."

"sherlock holmes" dustin explains as steve stands in silence clearly not understanding the reference, dustin scoffs as steve says nothing again
"that's great." steve comments not understanding how that answered his question, "thanks. that's great. really helpful."

we continue looking around until you notice steve stop looking at a drain in the bathroom, shining his flashlight onto it, "what is it?" you question looking over at what he had been fixated on
"clue?"he said unsure, he bent down to open the grate, pulling it aside to reveal a bunch of jars

"creepy.." you shudder
steve sticks his hand down into the grate and pulls out one of the jars
"its fine."

he pulls up the jar towards his flashlight showing a bunch of dead black widows in the jar, steve suddenly gets up and drops the jar, "its on me!"
"get it off y/n!!"
"im not touching a spider steve!"
"just hit it!"
you comply reluctantly smacking steve's arms where he was brushing them down, as you were trying to get it off of him you exit the room, "is it gone yet?"
"i don't know just keep hitting!"
"this is so gross." you shudder

"whoa.. what's wrong." nancy and robin now came towards you two
"spider, black widow." steve says shutting the room where the jars had been in
"yeah steve's scared of spiders crawling in his hair"
"y/n!" steve complains now shaking his hair out, just in case

"if there's a spiders nest in there you're never gonna find it." robin says, "till it lays eggs and all the babies spill out."
"what's wrong with you?" steve asks, to which robin chuckles at
"robin seriously? she's got problems."
"yeah tell me about it." nancy agrees with him
"hey." you warm, going into robin defence mode, to which the two of them give you a, sorry, look

"oh.. hey you got a.. wait let me get it." you say as you see a cobweb in steve's hair, trying to reach up and get but he keeps moving around
"where? is it another spider?" he begins to panic
"no cobweb, and stay still so i can actually get it, drama queen." you say holding him still by the shoulders and reaching up again to grab the cobweb that was hanging off his hair
"thanks." he says

"oh my god." you say
"what?" steve asks panicked
"stay.. still."
"y/n.. what is it? y/n????" he's fully panicking now
"baby spiders." you say in a ghostly voice, to which steve screams

and when i say screams, i mean cries like a little girl, which makes you almost piss yourself with laughter but manage to stifle the laugh daring to escape your lips
"y/n get it!!!!" he screams
"o-okay okay." you say, moving your hand, which slaps him firm around the back of the head
steve's hand instantly goes to the back of his head and he turns towards you, seeing you smile he becomes less panicked, "ow. such a dick."
"couldn't resist im sorry babe." you're now creasing on the floor, while steve looks at you disappointed still holding the back of his head, "not funny y/n, scared the shit out of me. thought i was gonna be a mother spider."

"will you two focus. for once?" dustin asks deadpanned expression written across his features as he stands in front of you his arms crossed
"it was her fault!" steve complains pointing at you

"hey, guys! look at this!" you guys hear max shout, running towards where her and lucas were, you saw a chandelier light up and pulse, "its like the christmas lights."

"christmas lights?" you and robin ask
"yeah, when will was in the upside down, the light.. came to life."
"vecnas here, in this house, just on the other side."

the light suddenly stops making us gasp, "do you think he heard us?"
"can he see us?"
"headphones." dustin says to max, to which she quickly pulls them over his ears

"wait. wait. everyone, turn off your flashlights and spread out." nancy says
"we wont be able to see if we turn off our flash-"
"scared of the dark, harrington? don't worry i can hold your hand if you need it."
"very funny." he says, but grabs your hand anyway

everyone spreads out, wondering around the house, until you hear robin shout, "i got him." to which everyone runs towards where robin is, where she was holding her flashlight that has now faded making robin sigh, "i.. i had him."

steve's flashlight then lights up, "whoa.. oh, i think he's moving. he's moving. he's moving." steve says walking around the room trying to keep the light in his flashlight, we follow steve around the house quickly, ending upstair as the lights quickly goes out, "shit. i lost him." steve says

"no you didnt." max says walking towards a door, up to the attic.
"its an attic. of course its an attic." robin says

"hold up, guys. what if he's leading us into a trap?" dustin says, as we walk up the attic stairs ignoring his superstition, "guys, guys. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit." he curses following the rest of you anyway

there's one light in the middle of the room which is buzzing continuously, which then switches to dustins flashlight, "flashlights." he orders, everyone pulling up theirs which are all lit up now. we stand in a circle around the hanging light in the room pointing out flashlights up at it
"okay what's happening?" dustin asks
we watch as our flashlights get brighter

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