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"gonna go get some food, anyone want anything?" you ask the boys, steve waving his arm and a synchronised sound that sounded like a 'no' came from the other boys, you look over to max who is still writing something down, "i'm fine." she says a small smile across her lips instantly going back to writing, you walk up the basement stairs

"hey y/n you alright dear?" mrs wheeler asked you as you walk into the kitchen

"good thank you mrs wheeler." you smile

"please call me karen. Need anything?" she asks you

"yeah.. is it okay if i grab some drinks?" you ask

"of course help your self." she says handing you a couple of bottled waters from the fridge, "here you go."

"thank you mrs- karen." you smile leaving the kitchen.

you walk back towards the basement when an arm pulls you into a hallway, making you drop the bottles that were once in your hand, "a-" you're about to scream out of shock when a hand comes up to your mouth and you hear a, 'shhhh'

the hand slowly moves down and you quickly turn around to see steve smiling smugly at you, you quickly smack him on the arm, "are you kidding?!?" you whisper shout at him, "scared the shit out of me!" you say checking if anyone had see him pull you down the hallway

you feel steve's hand pull your face towards him making you turn and look at him, "steve." you say warning him

"what?" he chuckles trying to act oblivious

"the kids are down there and mr and mrs wheeler and holly are in the living room." you say to him

"alright then..." he says running up the stairs, you stand on the spot hands on your hips

"come on, 10 minutes at most." he whispers pleading

"fine." you roll your eyes following him making sure no one sees

"this feels so wrong harrington." you say as you enter his ex girlfriends bedroom

"would you prefer the teenage boy's room?" he says raising an eyebrow at you, you shiver at the thought of that

"whatever." you say pulling him towards the bed in the room

he starts kissing your lips passionately standing above you as you sit on the edge of the bed, his knee pushing your legs apart of his hand travels down to your hips

you pull back, "seriously steve, this feels wrong, not only are we in your ex girlfriends bedroom making out, we have more important issues like max right now."

"okay okay okay, it does feel strange being in here considering.." he says looking around nancys room, "okay yeah totally weird." he says pulling you out of the room and back down to the basement secretly

you both walk back, frustrated obviously, youd much rather make out with steve then babysit three teenagers, especially as the atmosphere in the room was so tense due to the circumstances

"i can feel practically burning holes into the back of my head." max says making the boys turn away and pretend like they're doing something

"anyway i'm done now." max says walking over to you guys, "you can look at me now." she says everyone's eyes now on her and the envelopes she held in her hand

theses... these are for you." she says handing out the envelopes to each one of you

"for you," she hands one to dustin, "for you." hands one to steve, "for you." she hands one to you, "for you, and for the others if and when you see them and also my family." she hands a bunch of letters to lucas

"what's this?" lucas asks

"no. not for now." max says as steve and dustin start to open the letters, "letters for when... vecna gets me."

there's a sigh amongst the group, "just please.." max asks, "oh and i need to go somewhere so can we go?" max asks

"uh- now?" max nods quickly, "oh yeah.. let's go" steve says sarcastically

"okay let's go then." max says

"no. i'm not taking you anywhere."

"okay then i'll drive." max says

"no. no god no." we follow her outside where she's walking towards the car

"steve if you think i'm going to spend what is likely the last day of my life in the armpit that is mike wheelers basement, then you're outta your mind. so you either take me where i need to go or tie me down, which is technically kidnapping of a minor and if i live to see another day i swear to god steve i will prosecute."

"open the door." max says as she tried to open the locked door of the car

"uh no."

"i know a good lawyer." she stares at him and he shakes his head scoffing taking his keys out of his jacket

"henderson that super walkie of your better reach Pennhurst." we all get into the car and head to east hawkins

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