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Steve and dustin both look at each other, "the gate." They say in unison.

"i don't understand, you've seen this before?" you ask.

"not exactly."

"then what exactly?"

"all you need to know is that it's bad." Dustin says.

"really bad." Steve stops you, "we'll explain some other time."

"like end of the human race as we know it, kind of bad."

"and you know about this, how?" you ask, but neither of them answer making you sigh

"um, steve? Where's your russian friend?" Erica asks looking back into the previous room we where in. We all look to see the russian man that steve best up was gone. An alarm started blaring and we looked out the door to see the man from before with a bunch of other russians. He pointed to us and the other russians came chasing us.

"shit." you curse

"go, go, go, go, go!" Steve yells

we all run back to the room before and into what looks like a controls room. "shit,shit, shit, shit! go, go, go!"

we quickly run into the room where the machine is. we push past a lot of russians and find ourselves halt at the machine, since there was a massive drop.

"holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!" Dustin shouts

"guards!" Erica yells

"this way!" Steve pushing one of the guards off the stairs.

He then pushes a bunch of containers at some guards stopping them from getting us.

"come on! go, go, go, go!"

"come on!" you say letting the kids go first.

"shit." Steve yells as the guards catch up to us.

"this way." you say opening a door.

Steve uses all his weight to stop the guards from getting in, "y/n!"


"help me!" Steve says

you rush over to the door leaning against it with steve.

Erica finds a vent that they can go down, "here, come on! Let's go!"

"come on." Dustin says to you and steve

"go! get out of here!" Steve yells

"no, come on now!"

"No! just go get some help, okay?"

"what are you doing?"

"go!" Both you and steve shout

"i won't forget you!"

"Go!" you both yell again

he finally goes and shuts the hatch, the force of the door behind us pushes us away and onto the floor.

The russians stand in front of us holding guns, you and steve quickly put our hands up. you look over at steve and smile weakly.

The russians then pull us apart, "No! get off! Steve!!" you yell, trying to pull myself away from their grip.

"Y/n!!!! Get off her assholes!" He grunts as he tries to break their grip

Ericas pov

"so we set fire to the hub, we drew the demo dogs away so el could close the gate. But now for some insane reason, the russians appear to be trying to reopen it, which just destroys everything we risked our lives for." Dustin explains to me

"By 'we' your including lucas?" i ask

"yes of course."

"so all that shit you told me, lucas was there?"


"my brother, lucas charles sinclair?"


"i don't believe you."

"wait, so you believe everything about el and the gate and the demo dogs and the mind flayer, but you question your brothers involvement?"

"that's correct."

"makes total sense."

"uh, you need help with that?" i ask him as he tries to undo the bolt


"well it's taking a long time so—-"

"no shit Sherlock!" Dustin snaps

"alright, so if we don't find a more efficient method to stop these fans, we're never gonna find help and your ice cream buddies are screwed."

"yeah with that attitude they are. jee-zus."

"i'm just being realistic."

"i mean we've made it about point three miles in 9 hours. Then we had to walk three hours down that tunnel, so i'd estimate ten miles back to the elevator, which would take us approximately 12 and a half days." i say crossing my arms

"did you just do all of that in your head?"

"i'm good with numbers."

"holy shit. Youre a nerd."

"come again." I say trying not to laugh


"okay, you better take that back nerd."

"can't but the truth back in the box."

"but it's not the truth."

"let's examine the facts, shall we?"

"fact number one: your a math whiz, apparently."

"that was a pretty straight forward equation."

"fact number two: your a political junkie."

"jus because i don't agree with communism as an ideology—"

"fact number three: you love my little pony."

"and what does my little pony have to do with this?"

"ah, let's recall the ponies latest adventure, shall we?"

"....ergo, my little pony is nerdy. Ergo, you, erica, are a nerd.

"and how do you know so much about my little pony." i laugh

"because i'm.....a nerd." He says as he's finally got the panel open and turns off the fans.

"let's go...nerd."

"you....." i glare at him

we then crawl through the air duct trying to find a way out or some way to get back to y/n and steve to help them.

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