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"hey guys!" You hear Robin shout, running towards you and steve, nancy trailing behind her, "hey guys! awesome news!" she stops panting from all the running she was doing, "looks like we weren't going the wrong way after all. Come on. Let's go."

"okay. Ro.. slow down! Ro.. Robin!" Steve shouts as the girl runs through the forest clearly overexcited. You follow the others through the forest until arriving at the house. The playground opposite had a warm orange light blasting indicating the second phase of the plan was ready, "Erica." steve says

You stand around the structure waiting for further conformation, "Okay , the lovebirds have copied. Max is moving into phase two: distracting Vecna." You hear the distorted version of Erica's voice explain.

"so far, so smooth." Robin says

"yeah, we're not even at the hard part yet." Steve says

"take the bait you son of a bitch." Nancy says staring intently at the house across from you, "take the bait."

We wait under the gross vined out playground area, waiting for Dustin and Eddie's distraction. It was your turn to watch the bats so the others could relax, as much as possible in the current situation. You notice some of the bats start to head off, the rest swarming behind them, "guys, the distraction worked!" you say pointing to the bats leaving

"let's go." nancy says, you all now making your way towards the house. Steve opens the door with a creek, revealing the house covered in the hive mind vines, which are making a horrible squelching sound.

"oh shit." Steve says referring to the sheer amount of them and also the lack of floor space for us to move around, "that's not good." Steve starts jumping over the vines, nearly losing his balance when landing

You feel someone grab at your wrist, looking beside you, you see robin looking down at you with worry written across her face, "it's okay." you reassure her, "you got this." Robin nods, taking her first jump and then the rest, you follow her next trying so hard not to step on the vines as you jumped over into the small spaces of clear floor. Nancy close behind you.

You look ahead of you to see steve and robin attempting them stairs, you curse seeing how they were struggling with it. Steve and Robin make it to the top of the stairs, Steve holding his hand out for you as you're close to the top, you take it pulling yourself up, "easy." robin says, as you're up you reach out to nancy to help her too.

Steve pulls out her gun for her handing it to her as Robin, you and steve then taking out your own weapons of makeshift spikes slash spears.

As you guys are about to head up to the attic, there was a huge rumble throughout the house making you guys unbalanced. As you try to hold your position, you hold onto the steve, Robin onto to you and Nancy on her. The four of you tumble backwards slightly, but once the rumbling has stopped you freeze thinking your all safe.

Robin looks up at you guys about to say something, but the loud slithering noise of the tentacle/vine makes you guys look down at it as it wraps around Robin's ankle, Robin yelps as it pulls her towards the back wall

"Robin!" you shout

She's then pulled up onto the wall and pushed against, restrained by the vines, "Steve! Y/n! Nancy!" Robin shouts for help

You take your spear and start attacking the vines around her wrists, but nothing was happening, Steve starts trying to hit it with his axe and nancy with the handle of her shotgun.

You see steve be pulled towards the opposite wall by one the vines wrapping around his wrists, "Steve!" You yell, as you continue trying to help Robin

Steve is then pulled up by his neck up against the wall, as you're about to go help him, you feel one of the vines wrap around your waist pulling you towards the opposite wall to Robin, you struggle against it trying to free yourself from the grip of it.

Nancy is then pulled down to the ground by a vine wrapped around her leg too.

Another vine wraps around your neck and holds your wrists against the wall. Making it impossible for you to breath now. Nancy is then pulled up against the wall too.

Everyone is trapped with the vines around them, around their necks making it hard for them to breath as they're being choked. It was hard to struggle against them as everyone's arms were restricted meaning it was impossible to escape the restrains

After a while the vines suddenly let us go, retreating somewhere else. As we all drop everyone's coughing and panting hard due to the lack of air you all experienced.

"is everyone okay?" you ask still really out of breath, there's a collective 'yeah' amongst the group all nodding, you feel steve placing his hand on your shoulder, standing up soon after helping you up, you reach to get your spear that you previously dropped, reading for the next phase

"i don't believe in a higher power or divine intervention. But that was a miracle." Robin strains, sounding out of breath

"Then we better not waste it." Nancy says grabbing her gun and turning towards the entrance of the attic.

"phase four." steve says

"flambé." Robin says pulling out one of the flammable bottles

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