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*ding ding ding ding* the bell at the counter rings continuously
"Excuse me?"
it was the girl from yesterday again

She presses the bell slowly, "Id like to try the peanut butter chocolate swirl, please."

"No, no more samples. If you want some ice cream buy it." you say

"Why not?"

"Because your abusing our company policy."

"Where's the sailor man?"

"I'm sorry but he's busy." you tell her, to which he huffs at,

"busy with what?"

"none of your business child, no go away before i ban you."

Steve's POV

"Did you see anything." Dustin asks

"Uh, i don't totally know what i'm looking for."

"Evil russians!"

"I don't know what an evil russian looks like."

"Tall, blonde not smiling. Duffle-bag"

"duffle-bag?" i ask, "Oh you've got to be kidding me. Anna Jacobis talking to that meathead Mark lewinsky."

"Dude if your not gonna focus give me the binoculars. you are the worst spy in history!" Dustin says stealing the binoculars off me.

"And besides why are you looking at other girls anyway, you have the perfect one right in front of you!"

"Seriously, if you say y/n again—-"

"Y/n" he says, "Y/n, y/n, y/n" Dustin continues

"no stoppp"

"no, man, she's out of my league!"

"ooooh, so you do like her!"

"wha....what, no—no. i-i-i never said that!"

"Well anyway, it doesn't matter about 'league' it just matters if you like being around them. Like me and suzie."

"Yeah and how did you score a girl 'hotter than pheobe cates?' With my advice!"

"So i give the advice and you follow through. that's how this works, okay."


Dustins pov

He definitely likes her.

steve's pov

"Target acquired."
"shit, duffle bag."

"Evil russian." Me and dustin both say.

We follow him into a zumba class, where he pulls out a radio. guess he wasn't a russian spy after all and just a normal zumba instructor.

your pov

you were trying to figure out the russian 'code' when someone knocks on the door with a delivery. His uniform said 'LYNX' and it had a silver cat on his logo.

you rush passed steve and Dustin running into the centre of the mall, you work out that all the points are on about the mall.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" Steve asks confused.

"I cracked it."

"Cracked what?"

"The code!"

"woahhhh no way."
"holy shit."

"I know right!"

"How about....we celebrate!" you suggest, "With some, i bet you wont guess what it is, Ice cream!" you say sarcastically.

"yay." both the boys reply sarcastically.

we all sit in the booth, sharing a U.S.S butterscotch ice cream.

"how do people eat these?!"

"I'm stuffed." you say collapsing on steve.

Steve pushes my head off him, "hey." you complain as he does this, poking him

"y/n..." He says looking down at me.

He grabs my wrists, stopping me from poking him.

Dustin bursts out laughing, you both glare at him, and steve quickly lets go off your wrists. that was strange.. you quickly brush it off

"Right, customers are arriving i better get back." you say sitting up, and make your way back to the counter, "ugh" you groan, "hate this job."

you serve a couple of customers while steve and dustin still sit in the booth talking.

dustin pov

"Dude! what the hell was that?" I ask once y/n leaves.

"I don't know!"

"You like this girl don't you?"

"no-what!" Steve says disgusted.

"i don't like her! She's annoying!" He complains.


steve's pov

Dustin won't stop asking me if i like y/n

personally i don't know either....

your pov

"Hey dinguses!" you shout as you run up behind them.

"Are we going or what?" you ask

It was pouring down with rain as we sat on top of a roof top, staring down at a storage lock up.

"Dustin what do you see?" you ask

"Boxes, lots of boxes."

"It looks dodgy. No one needs that much storage." Steve says

We were all dripping and you couldn't see but dustin quickly ducked making you hit the floor too knowing he was hiding from something
Steve, clueless like always just sat there until you pulled him down.

your cheeks go red as you realised your hand was interlocked with steve's, you quickly pulled my hand away.

"Wh-" Before he could finish you smacked your hand against his mouth stopping him from speaking.

you put your finger over your lips motioning him to shut up.

The russian man then came up to the roof but we hid before he could see us.

We ran down the corridor laughing, "i guess we found our russians!"

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