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after riding for about 10 minutes or so, you guys make it to the trailer park, eddie leading the way to his trailer.

"it's right here." he says pointing towards his trailer, that was, much like everything else, covered in the hive mine vines

you follow him and drop your bikes on the lawn outside of his trailer,

"that's gotta be a guinness world record. most miles traveled inter-dimensionally" robin says

we enter eddie's trailer, and see just like dustin had predicted, another gate on the ceiling of the trailer

"goddam." steve says shinning the flashlight at it

"this is where chrissy died." eddie states, "like right where she died."

"i think there's something in there." robin says, just say she says this something starts trying to poke through the layer of the gate

"what the hell is that?" eddie asks

suddenly the gate bursts, making you all yelp and back away from the gate, you watch as weird goop and liquid drops from it making you all grimace in disgust

steve steps forward first, you following him and then the others too,

"no way."

you're all standing underneath the gate now and see, dustin, lucas, max and erica upside down above you. Dustin laughs and the others wave at you guys

"hi there."

"hi." steve says

"hi." you and robin say at the same time

"holy shit this is trippy." robin says

dustin continues to laugh triumphantly, "bada-bada-boom!" he shouts

you watch as max and lucas bring and drop down eddie's mattress, "those stains are..uh.." he says, robin and you giving him the side eye

"gross." you say

"i don't know what those stains are."

"mhh." robin says unconvinced

"here goes nothing." dustin says getting ready to throw up the rope they had made from assumed bed sheets

it fell down in front of you guys, completely going against all laws of physics

"alright pull on it see if it holds." dustin shouts

robin reaches out and puts all her weight onto the rope as she pulls it down, it stays completely still

"guess i'm the guinea pig." robin says grabbing a hold of the rope pulling herself up and towards the gate entrance

she wraps her legs around it and struggles to pull her self up, but manages to slowly, as her head is above the gate her hair starts to stand on its ends and she flips over and lands on the mattress below her

"woah." she shouts as she lands quickly on it, she sits up quickly, "thank god." she says, "that was fun."

she's quickly helped off, meaning another one of us can climb out.

steve references for me to go, but i look at nancy who looks back to me, eddie chimes in, "alright guess i'll go." seeing us the rest of us were hesitant to go next

he grabs ahold of the makeshift rope, pulling himself out quicker than robin had managed

"easy, easy."

as he reaches over the gate he abruptly flips over and falls flat against his mattress, "that was fun." agreeing with robins previous statement, "shit." he grabs someone's hand, so that the mattress was free once again

"okay i'll go." nancy says looking between you and steve, she grabs the rope pulling herself up gradually, as her head makes it over the gate she lands against the mattress more gracefully than eddie had, being helped up by robin

steve's looks over at you, "see you on the other side." motioning for you to go first

"on the other side." you nod, grabbing onto the rob, with steve standing behind for support.

you pull yourself up gradually, your head poking out of the gate and you can feel your hair stand on its ends as you were now flipped upside down.

as you feel yourself about to flip, you don't hit the mattress below you, instead you feel like you're falling further, you look around to see you are surrounded by a void of darkness. You yell as you feel yourself continuing to fall but soon hitting your back against a hard floor making you groan.

you try push yourself off of the floor, which you had established to be grass, as you use your hands to push off against the ground you see yourself outside of eddie's trailer.

you stand up slowly, grunting from the impact of hitting the ground, you walk up to his trailer confused, as you walk in your expect to see steve in his previous position but he's no where to be seen, the gates gone now as well.

you scan your surrounds looking for anything, when you hear a girls laugh, giggle almost.

a wave off fear rushes over you as you knew what he was happening, you remembered this memory. god you had played it back in your mind numerous of times, that you knew every small detail.

the low chuckle from eddie was expected, as you heard your old bestfriend moan quietly, you push open the door, expecting to see the same scene you wished to erase from your mind.. but instead, you saw eddie and her standing in front of you

both of them staring you down, "you're the reason i cheated, you were so pathetic and clingy it was annoying." a corrupt and lifeless looking eddie spits at you

"stop." you say covering your mouth, "no."

"you were never good enough for me y/n. you deserve to die alone!" it shouts at you

"no!" you shout, leaving the room and running out of the trailer only to be in some sort of lab hospital place as you run through the door

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