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Steve's pov

another stinging feeling spread across my face, "uhhh that one stung." I grunted

"who do you work for?"

"for the millionth time, i work at scoops ahoy!"

"scoops ahoy." i gasp

I felt another blow to my stomach

"what the hell." i groan

"look at my outfit."
"look at my outfit."

"you think i just wear this?!"

"you think i'm a spy in a sailor outfit?"

I felt another punch into my stomach, i groan in pain

"how did you get in?"

"i already told you, i told you before," i say grasping for air

i sigh loudly, "my delivery didn't come, my friends and i thought it was left at the loading dock, so we went in the room and then it turned into an elevator and then.....we dropped and then next thing i know, i open my eyes and we're in this........wonderful facility."

"but i swear to god, nobody know about it, nobody saw us."

"you could just let us go alright? and i'm not going to tell anyone about this, okay? shit happens, life goes on."

"and uhh—-uhhh! ice-cream. ice cream okay, everybody loves ice cream."

the russian man laughs as i stop rambling, i nervously laugh along, "i like this guy!"

he stops laughing, "who do you work for?"

"oh come on, no, no! no! no! seriousl-" i get knocked out cold as he throws a final blow straight to my head.

Steve was dragged through the corridor, while unconscious and thrown into an empty room.

your pov

you were thrown into a room by some russian guards, you noticed steve was on the floor unconscious.

"steve? steve? Steve! steve!"

"What did you do to him!" You shout

The officer who just walked in slaps you across your face, you fall back onto the ground and whimper in pain.

The soldiers pull you both up, "get off!" you shout. They strap you and steve together on the most uncomfortable chairs.

the soldier pull steve's head up by his hair and tuts.
"don't touch him!" i yell.

"steve? steve can you hear me."

"i think your friend needs a doctor, good thing.... we have the very best." he says making his way towards you.

he begins to laugh, and you spit in his face, "your going to regret that (little bitch)"

all the soldiers leave, meaning it just me and steve.

"LETS OUT OUT!" I shout


Dustins pov

i find an opening which me and erica climb through.

The room that we end up in has all the green tubes from the other day.


"oh-ho-ho." I say noticing the weird red cars from before.

"do you even know how to drive?" Erica asks

"how hard can it be? max did it." I say jumping into the drivers seat.

i was about to turn on the car when i noticed there was no keys, "aw come on."

"did you seriously think they'd just leave keys in there?"

"there's got to be spares."

erica sighs and walks towards a big metal cage, "hey, dustin."


"how big did you say that demogorgon was?"

"big. nine feet or so, why?"

she doesn't answer.

i use my screw driver to unlock a cabin, i opened it to find some spare keys, "found 'em."


i hear an electric zapping noise behind me, a jolt and turn around to see erica with a weird metal stick with electric currents zapping off it, "what the hell is that?!"

"a deadly weapon."
"could be useful."
-she says calmly.

she zaps it again making me jump, "for what?"

"what do you think? taking out commies, saving your friends."

"thought you were more realistic then that, nerd."

"we don't even know where they are. and even if we did there are millions of guard up there with weapons way deadlier than that."

"the best thing we can do for them is get out of here and find help."

we both get in the car, erica still holding the stick, "easy with that."

"just trust me in this, please?" i ask her

i turn the key and start to drive.

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