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You get out of the car, dustin greets all his friends and me and steve go to joyce.

"Hey, sorry we didn't make it. Steve wouldn't wake up." You say hugging joyce.

"oh it's fine, y/n. I'm glad you made it for the goodbyes anyway." She says smiling.

You and steve walk into the house. It was so empty. All the memories gone. All the laughter and sadness, gone. Everything that made the house so great was gone.

in the living room, you heard max and lucas singing the never ending story to dustin.

Els pov

Joyce had hoppers uniform and she was holding a note.

"what is that?" i ask

"uh.. it- it's the speech hop wrote for you and mike." She says smiling.

"speech?" i aka confused

"yeah. You know, the heart- to heart."

"he never talked to you, did he?" she asks realising i didn't know what she was talking about.

i shake my head, 'no'

she scoffs

"can i read?" i ask

she nods and give me the note

-are you ready kids, this is gonna hit hard :)-

Joyce leaves the room and i lay down as i read the note

there's been something i've been wanting to talk to you both about. i know this is a difficult conversation, but i care about you both very much. And i know that you care about each other very much. And that's why it's important that we set these boundaries moving forwards, so we can build an environment... where we all feel... comfortable... trusted... and open... to sharing our feelings.


-deep breath-

feelings. Jesus. The truth is, for so long, i'd forgotten what those even where. I've been stuck in one place, in a cave, you might say. A deep dark cave. And then i left some eggos out in the woods, and you cave into my life and... for the first time in a long time, I started to feel things again. I started to feel happy.

your pov

we all stood outside crying as we said goodbye to our friends. No. Our family.
Everyone hugging each other as they cried. Max and el. El and dustin. Lucas and will. Jonathan and nancy. Mike and el. You and joyce. El and lucas. Will and mike. You and jonathan. Will and dustin. You and will.

We waved them off as the drove away, out of hawkins.
Mike and nancy comforted each other. (i know this didn't happen but pretend!)
Steve and you comforted dustin.
Max and lucas hugged each other.


but lately, i guess i've been feeling... distant from you. Like your... your pulling away from me or something.

i miss playing board games every night, making triple- decker eggo extravaganzas at sunrise, watching westerns together as we doze off.

But i know your getting older. Growing. Changing. And i guess.... if i'm being really honest, that's what scares me. I don't want things to change.

So, i think maybe that's why i came in here, to try to maybe... stop that change. To turn back the clock. To make things to go back to how they were.

But i know that's naive. it's just.. not how life works. It's moving. Always moving, whether you like it or not. And, yeah, sometimes it's painful. Sometimes it's sad. And sometimes... it's surprising. Happy

So you know what? Keep on growing up kid. Don't let me stop you.

Make mistakes, learn from em. And when life hurts you, because it will, remember the hurt. The hurt is good. It means your out of that cave.

-okay okay okay-

but, please, if you don't mind, for the sake of you poor old dad,

keep the door open three inches.

your pov

"we've got to go!" I say to the others, "big job interview." I laugh.

me and steve stop at the arcade.

"you put your mum down as a reference?" i ask

"yeah, why not? She's, like, super well- respected."

i shrug," your such an idiot."


We enter the room, "just to be clear we weren't fired, you know. the mall burnt down, and like, killed a bunch of people." I say

"thanks for sharing. didn't know." Keith says

"three favourite movies, go!" He says pointing at me

"uh... the apartment, hidden fortress, children of paradise." i say

"you, go." He says pointing to steve

"favourite movies?"

"did i stutter?" keith asks him

"uh... animal house, for sure. um..."

Keith clicks his fingers, "eyes on me harrington."

"yeah. Uh... star wars?"

"a new hope?"

"a new what-now?"

"which star wars?"

"the ones with the teddy bears. duh." He then tries to squeal like an ewok, making me scoff.

"no? uh... oh, the one that just came out. The movie that just came out. the one with the Delorean and alex p keaton, and he's trying to bag his mum." he says chuckling, "the time... yeah, those are my top three. classics."

"you start monday." He says pointing at me, "you start, never." He says pointing at steve.

"will you just, um... will you give us a minute?" i ask steve.



Steve slowly walks away.

"alright, keith, you have to understand, he's a total chick magnet."

"okay, yeah, and this is relevant to me how?"

"keith, steve isn't on the market. So all these ladies will come all this way for nothing... but that's were you, step in. These girls will want someone to flirt with and if steve's not interested, they could ya someone else." You say

"what's in this for you? You got a thing for him?"

"you could say that." You laugh.

You hear a bang and see steve fall over, behind you.

"goddamn it. this is- hm." He says falling into a human poster thingy.

"oh. fast times. fast times. ever heard of it?"

"top three for me keith." he laughs

"let's go, before you embarrass us even more" You say grabbing his arm and pulling him out of the store.

You get back to steve's house, he opens the door, "how about we celebrate not dying?" He said pushing the front door shut.

You nodded, and he lifted you up bridal style up the stairs, "to the bathroom!" steve shouts

"bedroom!" You shout

"i love you y/n y/l/n." He says stroking your hair

"i love you too, steve harrington." You say smiling.

*the end*

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