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*higher and higher plays on the radio*

We drive down a road, "jesus how far is this place, man?" Steve asks

"relax, we're almost there."

"suzie must be pretty special, huh?" i ask, "i mean if you built this thing and lugged it all the way to the middle of nowhere just to talk to her."

"i mean nobody's scientifically perfect, but suzies about as close to being perfect as any human could possibly be."

Erica scoffs, "this suzie girl sounds made up to me. She sound made up to you?" erica asks me and steve

Steve doesn't answer.

"Why are you hesitating, steve?" Dustin asks slightly annoyed.

i sit awkwardly, tapping my feet along to the song as they start to argue about whether suzie is real or not.

"i'm- i'm- im not! Im not!"

"i think she sounds really real. You know, totally, absolutely real." Steve says trying to convince himself.

I hum along to the song as dustin shouts, "now, turn left."

"there's no road!" Steve shouts

"turn left now!"

"Jesus! hang on." Steve says as he sharply twists the car left, and starts driving on the grass.

"woah! Henderson, where are we going?!"



The ground slowly turns into a hill, and the 'toddfather' starts to stall

"oh jesus."

"we're not gonna make it!" I shout

"yes we are. Come on, baby. Come on baby!" Steve yells hitting the steering wheel.

The cars engine starts straining, "come on!" Steve shouts.

"come on. come on." Steve grunts

He pushes his foot down harder on the pedal but the car is stuck.

"guess the toddfather has its limitations." I laugh.

Steve, panting, finally gives up and we all get out the car.

we see the radio tower but we still have ages to get up the hill.

"Come on! We've got quite a way up." Steve shouts.

"I just want to sleep." I say leaning into steve.

"Once this is over, we can cuddle at my place and sleep for a whole week." He says.

"hmm, that sounds nice."

"scoops troop, do you copy." Could faintly be heard but it was more of a static sound.

We finally get to the top and Dustin turns on the radio, trying to contact murray.

"bald eagle, do you copy?"

"i repeat, bald eagle do you copy, this is scoops troop, do you copy?"

"yes, i copy."

we all chuckle with relief

"code sign?"

murray scoffs, "bald eagle."

"please repeat."

"bald eagle. This is bald eagle." he says angrily

"copy that, good to hear your voice, bald eagle. What's your 20?"

"we reached the vent. i'll contact you when i need you. Until then silence."

"Roger that, bald eagle. This scoops troop going radio silent. 10-10 over."

Steve pats him on the shoulder, "well done buddy."

"so what do we do now?" I ask

"we wait." Dustin says.

"for how long." Steve asks

"until they need us." Dustin says

"that's boring!" Erica says

The radio suddenly buzzes, "scoops troop, this is.... hm. Bald eagle. I've reached another junction."

"this is, what?" Dustin asks

"fourth junction." Erica says

"okay so if memory serves, this is right after the my little pony thesis."

"we went left, so he has to go right." Erica says

"fly right bald eagle."

"roger that, flying right."

"what's the my little pony thesis?" i ask

"don't get him started." Erica says

"don't get him started? just tell me—"

"hey guys." Steve says, making us look up to him, at the edge of the hill.

We all get up and run towards him, we look over in the distance and the lights from the mall start flashing.

Like crazily flashing.

a/n- sorry this is a bit short but i'm posting another one in a bit :)

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