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You nervously hold onto the walkie-talkie, "Erica do you copy?" you ask

"yes i copy. You nerds in position or what?" she asks

"yep we're in position." you say, "its its quite here, so you've got the great light."

"green light, roger that."

"be careful." you finally say

"good luck." dustin says grabbing the radio off of you

"i don't need luck." erica says, "commence operation child endangerment."

"lets maybe not call it that.." you say

"see you on the other side. Nerds.' erica finally say and begins to climb through the duct

You look over to steve and see that he's worries, "she'll be okay." you try to reassure him, but he just nods his head, a look of worry still plastered across his face.

After about 10 minutes later the radio buzzes altering the three of us, "alright nerds, im here." we hear ericas voice

Steve lets out a long sigh of relief, knowing she had made it in safely so far.

"do you see anything?" dustin asks erica

"yeah, i see all those boxes you're so excited about."

"any guards?" dustin asks


"any booby traps?"

"if i could see them, they'd be pretty shit traps. Wouldn't they?" erica says

"thank you for that." dustin says

Erica then kicks open the grate of the air duct and we can hear the sound of it slam against the floor eco through the walkie, she throws down her bag and jumps down, "im in."

you hear steve sigh again, "oh god." he pulls his hand up to cover his face

"no need to worry steve. she'll be fine. And if not i know a great place to hid a body-"

"that's not helping y/n." steve whisper shouts

"sorry, just a joke.. plus im sure erica would haunt us somehow if something happened." steve looks over at you again, "not that it will." you say smiling now, steve scoffs and turns back around to watch as the door opens revealing erica standing there

"free ice cream. for life" she says

You finally make your way into the room, it was filled with undress of boxes, you watch as steve walks up to one ripping it open, "what are yo-" you start to say, but stop when you notice him pulling something out of the box. You see that he lifts out a cylinder test tube looking object with a metal cover over it.

"that's definitely not chinese food." erica says

Steve starts trying to open the cylinder, "uh maybe you guys should stand back." he says to the three of you

"what? are you crazy?" you ask, he shrugs, "are you seriously thinking about opening that?"

"yes. now stand back." steve says in his stern voice, you oblige pulling erica back with you, standing in front of her. Dustin doesnt move away

"just.." steve starts
"no." Dustin says firmly

"just step back." steve says

"no." dustin repeats himself

"step back, seriously." steve says sternly

"no. no! if you die, i die." dustin says

steve pauses before shrugging, "okay." Steve then starts to twist the cover and pull it up, revealing a vibrant green liquid in the test tube.

"what the hell?"

"what is that?"

you start to feel the ground beneath you shake, "what was that?" you ask

"was it just me, or did the room just move?" dustin asks

"booby traps." erica says

"lets just grab this thing and go." you say referring to the green liquid in steve's hand. Dustin walks over to the door, and starts pressing the button on the side to open the door, "which one do i press?"

"press open door." erica says

"im pressing open door." you hear dustin say, while the two of the squabble, steve hands you ericas backpack asking to hold it open so he cab put the test tube into it.

"just open the door." steve shouts

"im trying."

they start frantically pressing any random button but it was futile as nothing happened. All of a sudden a bigger door slams shut in front of the previous door and the room starts to shake, "guys? what did you do?'

"this wasn't us!" steve says

"oh shit." dustin curses

The room starts to fall down, making us all scream as we realised we were now quickly going down, with no way out. you stumble into steve and he catches you, stabilising the both of you.

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