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Erica and dustin lift me and steve into a metal cage, in the back of the small red car.

"jesus slow down!" Steve says hitting his back into the cage.

"yeah what is this, the indie 500?" I ask laughing

"it's the indie 300!"

"no dingus, it's the 500."


I stare at him and he looks so cute and tired. I move closer towards him, "it's 500..." i say smiling

"no, y/n it's thre-" Before he could finish i place my lips on his, moving them slowly.

"Theyre quiet...." Erica says.

i lay on my back pulling steve on top of me...

"too quiet." Erica finishes, she slowly turns around to look at us.

By this moment we were in a fully heated make out session.

"Ewww! What is wrong with them?!" She asks

"i don't know!" dustin says looking back at us with disgust

Steve starts to smile into the kiss making me smile too, i pull away and start to laugh hysterically, Steve joins in.

Once we stop laughing, i lean against him as he strokes my hair, "your hair is soft." Steve says.

I turn around to feel his hair too, "ooo, soft." I say laughing.

"Something is seriously wrong with them." Dustin says.

I try push my hand through the cage, in order to feel dustins hair too but my hand doesn't fit. I sulk not being able to touch his spongy hair.

I felt steve pull me back towards him, i giggle as he holds my sides, "what?" he asks. "That tickles." I say giggling again.

"What if i do this?" He asks, tickling my stomach. "noooo! steveee." I laugh. I squirm under his touch and go red and he stops and stares at me, "you are so beautiful." He says, looking into my eyes.

"so are you harrington!" I laugh.

He points at his lips, signalling me to kiss him again. i shake my head at him. "Why?" He says pouting.

"The sassy child will shout at us." I giggle.

"hey! i heard that you know." Erica says

me and steve both start to giggle, and he reconnects our lips. I could feel 'electricity' as he deepened the kiss. It felt good. It felt nice. oh- i quickly disconnected our lips, blushing.

steve looked at me confused as i sat there, breathing heavily. I just giggled and hugged him tightly and he hugged me back.

i felt his warm breath tickle the back of my neck.

"Dustin, watch out!" Erica says as we crash into something, "y/n, i- i um-" before he could finish, we both hit our heads against the cage, both groaning.

"you okay?" I ask, rubbing my head, "yeah, i'm fine." He replies.

"you guys alright back there?" Dustin asks.

We both just groan in response.

"theyre fine." Dustin says to Erica.

They open the door, to let me and steve out of the car.

"come on, we gotta go, now."

"come on! Get out!"

"let's go!"

Dustin pulls up steve, "ow!"

"we're coming." Steve moans
"this sucks."

Dustin opens the door to the room we had gotton down here in.

As the elevator is going, steve gets on one of the lifting trolleys, and balances on it.

"hey! you look like your-"
"surfing." you and steve say at the same time and laugh.


"they seem drunk."

"why would they be drunk?"

"i'm a natural, check it out." Steve yells.

i pull back the trolley and he goes flying, "wipeout!" I laugh.

Steve laughs as he falls on the floor.

Dustin goes over to him and feels his forehead, "he's burning up."

"your burning up."

"one sec, one sec. Steve, steve."

"god, noo"

Dustin pulls steve's eyes open, "owww." i sit on the trolley, watching.

"his pupils are super dilated."

"maybe he's drugged." Erica suggests

"boop!" Steve says poking dustin on the nose.

Dustin lightly taps him on the face twice, "steve? Are you drugged?"

"how many time, dad?" Steve says mockingly, "i don't do drugs."

"this isn't funny,okay? I need to know what they did to you."

"are you gonna die on us?"

Steve taps dustins nose again, "boop!"

"we all die, my strange little child friend." I say, "it's just a matter of how... and when."

"i need you to tell us where the car is parked." Dustin says turning back to steve."

"can we make a pit stop at the food court?" Steve asks, "ahhh i would kill for a hot dog on a stick." I say.

"alright yes, you can have as much food as you want." Dustin says, i quickly get excited, "but only if you tell me where you parked your car."



"they took the keys."

"the russians they took the keys." He says fiddling with his pockets.

"That's a bummer, right?" Me and steve start laughing.

We get out of the elevator and me and steve both sigh, "ohhh!"

"oh, my god that tastes so good!"

"ahh!" I say trying to swallow as much fresh air as possible, "steve can you taste that?"

"i taste it! i taste it!"

"Stop!" a russian guard yells.

"shit! come on! come on!" Dustin yells pulling us towards a door.

Erica runs after me as i try dodging her, "y/n!! come on!" She yells panicked.
She chases me into the room and i see steve.

It felt like i hadn't seen him in years. "STEVE!" I yell running up to him and wrapping my legs around him.

"you literally just saw him..." Erica says. I stick my tongue out at her.

Steve holds my up by my waist and snuggle into his neck.

"Y/n! Steve! come on!!!" Dustin yells as the russian guards catch up to us.

i'm still hanging onto steve as he runs, "your strong." I say feeling his muscles.

He drops me on the floor. "rude." I say crossing my arms.

"y/n!!" Erica says pulling me with her.

We quickly run into the movie theatre to stay low.

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