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"look there she is!" you raise your voice so steve could here you over the loud music playing throughout the gym, pointing at robin playing her cute little trumpet

"and look whose right next to her." says the smirk evident in his voice, referring to vicki

the music stopped and the tigers came running into the gym, their captain, Jason, giving a big speech about winning basketball games bringing up all those who died during the star court 'fire'

"seriously." you roll your eyes at his attempt to 'not let them die in vein'

to top it all off his announcement to his girlfriend, chrissy, made me physically hurl

steve looks over at me with a questioning look, "don't like high school relationships. So corny." you say shivering

"..awe afraid of a little pda babe." Steve laughed planting a wet kiss on your cheek, to which you push him away giggling, "shut up harrington."

after the pep rally you and steve left the gym, robin who had rather walked with vicki was trailing behind the two of you.

"you know you didn't have to stay, plus not entirely sure you were allowed to be there." you laughed as steve leaned against his car

"just made it even more fun y/n." he said shrugged, "plus i'd be stuck at work by myself."

"well got to go to lesson now." you groaned pulling away from steve, to which he sighed, "see you later then yeah?" he asked kissing your cheek, you nod in response
"too much pda for you?" you says raising his eyebrows
"such a piss take" you say shaking your head

"love you y/n babe!" he called mockingly
"piss off harrington!" you say not even turning around to look at your boyfriend a smirk plastered along your face waving your hand in dismissal

*timeskip to the basketball game*

you and steve sat in the crowd as the principal announced to rise for the schools national anthem, which would be sung by... Tammy Thompson. The Tammy Thompson

you watch as steve and robin exchange looks of shock. As tammy starts singing, steve glances over at robin and mouths, i told you. muppet.

okay, she does sound like a muppet.

"she sounds like kermit." you say, attempting not to cover your ears at the horrid sound of her voice

"i'd say more like miss piggy."

as the game progresses the scores were pretty even throughout the game, you notice steve becomes engrossed in the game

as the last seconds of the game start to run out, lucas shots the ball, that had first failed to reach the net, and gets the ball into the hoop winning the game. Steve cheers jumping up and down and high fives you

he looked so cute

he brings his arms around you and spins you around to which you yelp at, "steve!" you chuckle

"god i miss high school." steve sighs, to which you give him a glare, "i'd gladly swap with you."

as you walk out of the gym with steve, you see Dustin, Mike, Erica and the Hellfire club celebrating.

"So you won your game them.. with Erica?" you ask confused... as she claims not to be a nerd

"yeah and what about it?" Erica asks, her hands on her hips

"oh nothing, just didn't think you were a nerd." the horror on her face made you chuckle as she started to rant about not looping her in with these nerd

you noticed Dustin and Mike glance over at lucas, who had ditched them to be popular by hanging out with the basket ball team.

"he'll come around." you said to them to which neither of them replied, just nodded

"anyway see you guys later! Oh and mike, say hi to joyce, jonathan, will and el for me."

"will do."

you catch up with steve who hadn't walked too far away from where you were, he grabs your hand pulling you towards his car, "couldn't let dustin grill me for ditching him for my hot smocking date.." he says smirking

"plus he said i was jealous that he's got a new older male friend.. pffft as if. Who is that guy anyway? Sounds like a creep to me." Steve says ranting about something he apparently didn't care about

"smocking hot date huh?" you say, my smile evident, "lucky girl."

"mh." he hums in agreement, "but i'm luckier." he says sweetly

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