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We hear the russian man speaking on his radio.

we all hide behind one of the counters to a fast food restaurant.

Steve had his arm wrapped round me, and i snuggled into his side, "If we don't make it-"

"y/n, we will make it." Steve whispers to me

"i know, but if we don't, i need you to know." I say

"y/n." Steve interrupts me.

"listen to me, If we do die i need you to know that i would do any thing for you and.. i-i. I like you, steve. like, really like you."

"You- you do?" He asks smiling, i nod.

"i like you too y/n." i kiss him quickly on the check, trying mot to make any noise.

Dustin and Erica look over to us, "shut. Up!" Erica whispers.

Multiple sounds of footsteps start making their way towards us. I shut my eyes not wanting to know what happens next.

Suddenly a car alarm goes off making us all jump.

The car is them thrown at the men, killing them. The car slams into one of the food restaurants shaking the floor.

We all slowly get up to see what just happened. We see the russian guards dead on the floor and a car in its side all mashed up.

We look over the side balcony, where 5 kids and two adults, who i know as jonathan and nancy, standing up there.

We run out from our hiding spot and they come over to us. The girl with short brown hair, had a nose bleed and was being carried but a very tall boy with black hair.

Dustin started laughing, "you flung that thing like a hot wheel!" He runs over to the girl and the boy and hugs them.

"Lucas?" Erica says going up to another boy who i guess is her brother.

"What are you doing here!" He asks shocked

"ask them. it's their fault."

"true, yeah. Totally true. It absolutely our fault." Steve says

"i don't understand what just happened to that car." I say confused

"El has super powers." Dustin says pointing to the girl, who has a nose bleed.

"i'm sorry." I asks

"superpowers. she threw it with her mind. Come one catch up" Steve says casually.

"that's el?" Erica asks

"who's el?" I ask, completely not understanding anything.

"i'm sorry, who are you?" Nancy asks me.

"I'm y/n, i work with steve." I say

"My girlfriend." Steve says smiling, "and she cracked the top secret code."

"which is how we found out about the russians in the first place." Dustin says

"Russians, wait what russians." Jonathan asks.

"the russians!"

"those were russians." A ginger haired girl asks.

"is everyone just going to ignore the fact that steve just said, 'his girlfriend!'" Erica says but everyone ignores her.

"didn't you hear my code red?"

"yeah, but i couldn't hear half of what you were saying." The tall boy who was holding El? says

"goddamn low battery."

"how many time do i have to tell you with the low battery?"

"well everything worked out, didn't it."

"worked out? we almost died." Erica says

"yeah but we didn't, did we?"

"It was pretty damn close."

"okay russians," Ericas brother, lucas? asks, "as in working for the russian government?"


El, walks away panting as everyone else still argues about the russians

"so this has nothing to do with the gate." The ginger haired girl asks

"it has everything to do with the gate."

The girl, called el? collapses to the floor and everyone runs over to her.

"El! El!" The tall boy says running over to her.

"what's wrong with her?" Erica asks.

"what's wrong?" The tall boy asks

"my leg. my leg."

"her leg, okay, okay." Jonathan says pulling up her trouser leg, where her badge is. Nancy pulls it open and her leg has a huge lump on her injury.

Everyone groans in disgust.

Something in her leg started to move and she started to groan in pain.

"el! el! are you okay." The tall boy asks, "el! el! el!" Her screams echoing throughout the mall.

A/N- incase you didn't understand lmao

tall boy- Mike

Ginger haired girl- max

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