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"outside of D&D, i am no hero. i see danger and i just turn heel and run."

"give yourself a break man." steve says

"see, the only reason i came in here was cause those ladies, especially y/n, came in straight after you. now, i was too ashamed to be the one who stayed behind. But y/n right there, she didnt waste a second. not one second, she just dove right in. Now, i know you two had a disagreement regarding yours truly, but if i were you, i would hold on to her, cause that was as umambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen."

"well, thanks for your advice, but we sorted it and all fine." steve smiles, placing his hand on eddies shoulder

another rumble distracts the group from walking and you and the others have to try stabilise yourself, you grab onto robins arm as you feel yourself falling, bringing her down with you, robin yelping on the way down. You both groan at the pain of hitting the ground, as it stops you laugh at robins unamused face, "you were the closest thing to me." you say holding your hands up, nancys standing over the both of you holding her hands out for the two of you, which you both take. As she helps you two up she starts to run somewhere

"Nancy!" robin shouts, "where are you going?" she calls after her, but she doesnt stop her movement and keeps running, robin looks over to you and shrug as robin groans and starts to run after the girl. You follow slowly behind trying to stabilise yourself as the ground was still shaking slightly.

"Nancy!" You and robin catch up to where nancy has stopped, with the boys following behind shortly. You're now at the edge of the forest, finally. "come on." nancy says, you see her house in the far distance, making your way towards it.

Nancy opens her front door with a creak, the house is full of vines much like the rest of the upside down, we walk around the downstairs floor, "might be time to get a maid, Wheeler." robin says

"come on. i don't want to stay here longer than we have to." nancy says heading upstairs quickly, you guys follow after, making your ways up to her bedroom. You look behind you to see steves stopped, "what is it?" you ask

"listen." he says, you do, and you hear dustins voice

"oh my god." you say, "what does this mean?" you ask

"he's trying to communicate with us.." steve says

"yes, but how is he doing it?" you ask

"Dustin! Dustin!" steve shouts seeing if he can somehow speak back and dustin able to hear him, "dustin! can't you hear me? Dus— hello? hel..hello?" steves shouting alters the other, who come running down the stairs where they see you and steve standing in nancys kitchen

"maybe he really does have rabies." robin says

"hello! hello?" steve says ignore them

"what is he doing?"

"we heard dustin."

"steve what are you doing?"

steve turns around to the others flashing them with the torch in his hand, "he's here. henderson. that little shit, he's here. he's like..he-he's in the walls or something. just listen. listen." steve says, "dustin? dustin! dustin! dustin! can you hear me?"

"that brings us to the question you first raised. " his voice is muffled and its clear he's talking to someone else and no longer trying to talk to us anymore.





you all shout the boys name trying to find anyway for him to hear you guys

"alright, either this kid can't hear us or he's being a total douchebag." steve says

"will found a way." nancy says


"will. he found a way to speak to joyce through the lights." nancy says, flicking on and off a lamp but it doesn't work

"try the switch," you suggest pointing to it

"okay." nancy starting trying t turn that not but its futile, "its not working,' she says frustrated

"guys?" steve says, "you seeing this?" he asks, you all look over to what steve was pointing at with the flashlight, the chandelier which was lighting up just like the lights did in victor creels old house.

nancy reaches out and a red particle effect moulds around her hand and brightens one of the bulbs, "woah." eddie says

Nancy retracts her hand and the light dims, she puts her hand back, the rest of us doing the same, leaving the whole of the chandelier lit up, "it.. tickles." steve says

"its kinda feels good." robin says making eddie laugh

"does anyone know like morse code or something?" you ask


"wait does SOS count?" eddie asks, "is that.. is that good?"

"yes," nancy says

eddie then starts retracting his hand and putting it back to make the light flash in the code, "i think its working." robin says

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