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We had made our way back to the Wheelers, us sleeping in the basement when your woken up to the sound of the static from Dustin's walkie-talkie

"dustin!" you hear Nancy shout shaking the boy who was fast asleep on the floor, "i thought you were meant to be on max duty" she says referring to the empty sofa, max was supposed to be sleeping on. Dustin groans as he begins to wake up,

"where is she?" nancy questions
"shes right there." dustin says referencing the empty sofa, "shit. i swear i only dozed off for.... an hour."

after you hear nancy and dustin's muffled words you feel yourself falling back to sleep knowing Nancy and dustin could take care of it. After what felt like 2 seconds you feel someone shake you awake, "morning." steve says smiling sheepishly at you, to which you groan at, mornings were the worst

"come on, we gotta get going.."

"where are we going"

"no clue but wherever it is can't be good."

steve was right, not good, we arrived at a creepy old looking house from the 1950s, victor creels old house - where his whole family had been murdered, it had long been abandoned with many barricades up against the windows and door
"well that's not creepy at all." steve said

you guys begin pulling the nails out of the barricade stuck to the door, "what exactly are we looking for in this shithole?" you ask turning to nancy
"i'm not sure" she answers, "just know this house is important to vecna." she says

"because max saw it in vecnas red sick mind world"
"maybe it holds a clue to where vecna is. Why he's back. Why he killed the Creels.and to stop him before he comes back for max." dustin says
"we don't think he's in here, do we?"
"guess we'll find out" max says

"ready?" steve looks over to you referencing to dropping the door to which you hum in agreement, you both let go of the door letting it drop onto the front porch, revealing the stained glass door nancy and max had talked about.

steve tries to open the door but its locked, "its locked." steve states, "should i knock see if anyones home?" steve says jokingly but in a serious tone
"yeah.. maybe vecna will answer with welcoming arms, he's set up a play date for us all." you say sarcastically
"yeah maybe he'll even invite us over for a sleepover." robin joins in on your joke
"very funny you two, this is serious." steve says

"well how are we meant to get in now?" Dustin complains
"i could kick down the door?" steve says
"no need." robin says holding up a brick, "i found a key." she's says referencing said brick in her hand, to which she throws through the stained glass window on the door, making a small hole in the now shattered window

steve sticks his arm in the hole and reaches for the door handles twisting it open, and the door opens with a creek, allowing us to enter, steve whistles as he goes through, the rest of us following soon after. The house was pitch black, dusty and full of old furniture.

"looks like someone failed to pay their electric bill." lucas says after trying to turn on a lamp in the hallway, to which dustin turns on a flashlight.
"where'd everyone get those?" steve asked
"do you need to be told everything. you're not a child."
"thank you" says sarcastically
dustin hands him his backpack, "back pocket."

"hey guys? you all see that right?" max asks pointing her flashlight towards a grandfather clock
"is this what you saw in your...visions?" i ask her, to which she nods
"i mean its just a clock, right?." robin asks going up to it and wiping the glass,"like a normal old clock."

"why is this wizard obsessed with clocks?" steve asks,"maybe he's like a clockmaker or something."
"think you cracked the case steve." dustin says sarcastically

"the only thing i know is, the answers are here." nancy says, "somewhere."
"okay, everyone stay in groups of 2 minimum. Robin upstairs." nancy says, to which robin salutes her following her towards the stairs

max walks over to lucas, "come on lets go."

you stand with steve as dustin looks over to the two of you, to which steve sighs heavily at, walking away from the younger boy, you following behind. as you walk past you see that dustin now has a puzzled look on his face to which you shrug at him, not knowing why steve sighed.

"was that a sigh?" dustin asks

"no, i didn't sigh"

"why'd you sigh?"

"i didn't sigh. just keep up dude." steve says walking up the stairs
"i heard you."

"its just.. you're always stuck with me and y/n, okay?"
"what's wrong with that?" you ask

"oh. so you don't like me being a third wheel or something? something wrong with that? y/n?"
"not at all." you reassure the boy

steve lets out another sigh knowing he wasn't winning this, "nothing wrong.. it'd just be nice to spend sometime with my girlfriend is all."

"oh yeah cus itll be so romantic in a haunted house to spend quality time, while trying to figure out how to stop a murderous creature terrorising town" dustin laughs, making you chuckle at his response

steve turned around to the two of you, "whatever dude.. you know what i meant." he says wanting to put it behind him now

the three of you proceed to walk upstairs looking around the haunted house, trying to find any clues

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