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The box is still falling, the room was filled with the screams, you felt steve's grip tight on your hand, you see dustin frantically hitting the buttons

"Shit, shit!" Dustin yells

"we're going down!!"

"yeah no shit, harrington." you shout

"why don't these stupid button work?!?" Dustin yells continuing to bash them, Erica runs over to where he is,

"press the button!" she commands

"what do you think i'm doing?!" Dustin yells, his voice laced with panic

"come on, just press something! Press the button." Steve joins in

"push it!!" Erica shouts

The elevator suddenly comes to a stop, making us jolt from our spots. You hear Erica and Dustin wince as they try to hold themselves up but end up falling over

You hear a loud clank noise beside you, and hear steve groan in pain, you look over to see a box covering him.

"oh my groin." he complains, "it fell on my groin."

"will one of you get this thing off of me?!" he asks

You feel yourself start laugh, "no wonder you can't win fights, you even get your ass beat by a box."

"This isn't funny y/n!" steve says, "Dustin, help, get this thing off of me!" steve's voice is strained

You pull the box off of steve, with the help of dustin and Erica, Steve sighing in relief as it's off of him.

You hold out your hand to help him up, he takes it reluctantly, "thanks." he mumbles

"— well i that door doesn't work without a keycard so those buttons are useless." erica states, making the rest of us sigh in annoyance

"Just so you nerds are aware, i'm supposed to be spending the night at tina's and tina always covers for me. But if i'm not home for uncle jacks birthday party tomorrow and my mum finds out you three are responsible she's gonna hunt you down, one by one and slit your throats."

"I don't care about tina! or uncle jacks party! Your mums not gonna be able to find us if we're dead in a russian elevator!" Steve snaps.

"someones cranky." you mumble under your breath, you see steve give you the side eye, "joking, joking." you say smiling 'innocently'

"hey, what if we climbed out." Dustin says pointing at a vent cover on the ceiling.

Steve and dustin then get on top of the room, "what were you saying about climbing." You hear steve's voice echo.

"Code red. I repeat code red, does anyone copy?"
"code red, i repeat code red." "we are innocent children trapped under star court mall." Dustin says in his radio

Steve climbs up to where dustin is, "Hey!" "you've got to take it easy on that thing, youre gonna drain the battery."

"the mall just opened."


"so someone could be in range."

"what do you think, petey the mall cop is gonna rappel down here and save the day?"

"alright why are you such a cranky pants, after getting to spend the night with y/n."

"Shhhhh! Jesus christ." steve whispers.

"i heard you guys talking all night."

"yeah, well—we were—-uhh....um. It's none of your business. and plus it's not like that dude, okay?"

"uh huh."

"i'm serious, it's not like that."

steve walks into the corner, "what are you doing?!" Dustin asks

"What does it look like i'm doing? I'm taking a leak. Look away."

"look away!" He shouts at him.

"can you redirect you stream, please?" you call up in disgust as his stream is right near where you and Erica where, "ugh" you groan in disgust

Erica started banging the green thing against a container. "hey, hey! Be careful, careful, careful. We don't even know what that is."

"Exactly, it could be useful."

"useful how?"

"we can survive a long time down here without food, but if the human body doesn't have water it will die."

"i hate to break it to you, but that is not water." you say waving the tube around.

"no but it's a liquid. And if it comes down to me drinking that shit, or dying of thirst, i drink."

you scoff.

Erica then grabs the tube out of your hand and begins banging it against the container again. making you roll your eyes

you heard something outside of the room so you lean your ear against the wall listening.

you quickly climb up to dustin and steve, "we've got company." You hold your hand down to the elevator quickly for Erica to take, pulling her up with you guys

The russians then open the door, having their conversation, obviously us not understanding a word what they were saying

Steve puts his finger over his lips signalling for us to stay quite. He then looks at erica with the green thing. The door begins to shut but steve quickly jumps down lodging the green tube between the floor and the door giving us a way out.

"Let's go!" Erica throws her backpack to steve and he chucks it under.

Erica was the first out, "go, go, go, go, go, go." steve ushers

"i'm going!" she says

"henderson. Go,go." Dustin then goes under next

you go under and then steve tries to get under as the tube begins to break. "Come on steve, lets go." you say ushering him to hurry up.

As steve gets out the tube breaks and a weird green liquid that sizzles the ground bursts out.

"Jesus christ." Steve says

"ooh!" Erica says

"you still wanna drink that?" you ask.

"holy, mother of god." Dustin says looking down the corridor.

we all look down it and see that's there's no end, "hope you guys are in good shape. I'm looking at you roast beef." He says smaking dustin on his stomach.

"what why me?"

As erica and dustin walk in front you and steve, you two walk side by side, "that was close.." you say

steve nods, "too close."

"do you think we'll get out of here?" you ask him suddenly, throwing him off guard

"i hope so.. i mean not the way i imaged id die."

You let out a deep sigh, "its fine don't worry, we'll find some way out." steve says reassuring you, as you two continue to walk down the long corridor, you feel your hands brush a few times, you look up at steve feeling your cheeks flush slightly

"sorry." he quickly says, pulling his hand away

you shake your head, "it's fine." you smile, feeling bold and pulling his hand down to connect with yours

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