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the 5 of you made your way upstairs into nancys bedroom as demands of dustin, sitting besides her bed for anything

"come on." steve says holding the flashlight over a spot on nancys bed you guys were sitting beside

dustins voice distortedly asks, "are you guys seeing this?"

nancy moves her hand out in front of her, chuckling as it lights up similar to how it did back downstairs with the chandelier.

you can hear dustin laugh loudly making you smile at how manic he sounded

"where gonna unplug it stand by." dustin shouts after a few seconds you hear, "okay try it now."

nancy stumbles on what to write, she traces a, 'H' and then an, 'I'

you hear dustin chuckle again and three different voices saying 'hi' or 'hey' back

"that worked" dustin voice shouts back

everyone cheers, "yes!" excited by the revaluation and that it had worked, all of us smiling widely, robin chuckles

"okay.. um." nancy pauses tracing another word,
"S", "T" "U", "C", "K"

"stuck." you hear vaguely from dustin and erica

There's hums of agreement among the group and nods of heads

"can you get back through water gate?" dustin asks

"what the hells watergate?" steve asks

"lovers lake. ya know cus it's in water and it's a gate, steve."

"oh. that's cute." he says

"oh right." nancy says understanding now too

nancy continues to trace words with her fingers, "GUARDED."

"we think we have a theory that can help with that." he shouts back

"genius child." robin says

"we think watergate isn't the only gate." he explains, "that there's a gate by every murder site"

there's silence among the group, "does anyone understand what he's on about?" nancy asks

steve and eddie shake their heads and say, "no" coordinated

"no idea".
the group now having looks of confusion across their faces, with their eyebrows knit

nancy traces a, '?'

"seriously? how many times do i have to be right on the money before you trust me?" dustin shouts frustrated

"jesus christ." steve says, "this kids gotta get his ego in check."

"it's his tone. right?" eddie says

"i know." steve agrees

"okay, so.. so how far is your trailer?" nancy asks eddie

"seven miles." eddie says without missing a beat

"nancy? uh, i know your house here is, like, weirdly, creepily frozen in time and shit, but havent you always had bikes?" robin asks

nancy thinks for a second before nodding and leading the rest of you to her garage.

steve holds onto a bike almost tripping over it, "whoa there harrington are you sure you don't need the one with stabilisers?" you chuckle, he looks up at you shaking his head

"yeah does little stevie need support for his big boy bike." robin laughs joining in

"hey.. are you sure you don't need these y/n, didn't you like, not learn how to-" both he can say anything else your hand is firmly placed against his mouth restricting him from saying anything else. Steve's voice is muffled as he tries to pull away your hand. Your eyes are wide as the others look at you two now curiously

"what's this y/n?" robin asks a smirk threatening to form across her lips

"nothing." you say quickly shooting a look back at steve

"are we embarrassing y/n? cus i'm all for that." eddie chuckles

it felt weird being civil with him after what had happened but you thought it was best to not let it effect the group, still resenting him internally though of course

"no we are not." you say quickly

you feel steve pull your hand down and you turn to see him open his mouth. "don't you dare harrington." your eyes narrow at him

"am i missing something?" nancy asks

"y/n didnt learn how to ride a bike until she was 15." steve says quickly

"steve!" you shout, you hear robin chuckle slightly, which then turns into a huge laugh, "15?!"

"hey, miss i didn't learn to walk at the average time, shush!" you say to her, "and plus it's not like that.. i just," you start, "always used stabilisers." you mumble trying for it to not be heard

"hm? didn't quite get that y/n.." robin teases, you give her a death glare, grabbing a bike,

"let's just get going.. we have more important issues to be dealing with."

"mh hold on y/n." eddie stops you, "probably be best for you to take this one." he says motioning you the small bike with stabilisers, "i know how unstable you are with bikes,"

in truth, you had learnt to ride a bike at a late age, purely because you were always forced to ride on the same bike as your childhood best friend eddie. It was finally when you first started dating that he suddenly pulled you outside to his garden and motioned you to get on his bike.

"i don't know eddie.. why cant i just ride with you?" you ask holding onto the handle bars

"what if you move one day and have to meet me places. what will you do?" he asks, "plus you can't always rely on me sweetheart." he chuckles as you pout due to his reasonable argument which you couldn't argue with

"i'll never move!" you say stubbornly, "i love the trailer park and so do my parents."

"oh well too bad i'm teaching you." eddie says pushing you lower back forcing you to peddle.

"eddie!" you shout as lose balance and you crash into his fence, catching yourself quickly before falling over

he comes over to help you up, "asshole." you playfully say using his hands to pull you up.

you shake your head, asshole, you think. thinking of good memories with eddie was painful even the ones from when you two were just friends. plus you always felt so guilty of thinking about the times you had together. as obviously now he meant nothing to you.. you wished you could forgive the man.. just to get your childhood friend back. maybe time would allow you too to become friends again

"guys, i can ride a bike perfectly fine thank you." you say grabbing a bike without stabilisers

"sure you can, we believe in you." robin says, to which you roll your eyes at making her blow a kiss at you and an innocent smile formed across her lips

you chuckle at your bestfriend, blowing her a kiss back

"hey!" you hear steve complain behind you

"relax harrington." robin rolls her eyes at the boy

"don't be jealous steve." you laugh, kissing him on the cheek, "don't tell robin." you whisper to him, he motions to zipping his lips shut making you chuckle and smile widely at him, he smiles in return, quickly kissing the top of you head still walking behind the others

"okay let's go guys." nancy says to all of you guys, the 5 of you now peddling down the main road towards eddie's trailer

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