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The sound of flushing echoes through my ears.

I lay on the ground with my feet in the air, as i heard steve groan.

"the ceiling stopped spinning for me." I say, "is it still spinning for you?"

"Holy shit, No. You think we puked it all up?"

"maybe. ask me something."

"Interrogate me." I say in a russian accent.

"uh, sure. Interrogate you." Steve says chuckling.

"ummm... when we the last time you, uh, peed your pants?"



"when the russian doctor took out the bone saw."

"oh. my god." Steve says laughing.

"it was only a little bit."

"yeah, it's definitely still in her system."

"alright my turn."


"have you.... ever been in love?" I ask

"yep. nancy wheeler." Steve says and imitates a gunshot noise.

"oh, my god. She's such a priss."

"hm. Turns out not really."

i scoff, "are you still in love with nancy?"


"why, not?"

"i think it's because i found someone a little better for me."

"it's crazy, ever since dustin got home he's been says, 'you gotta find your suzie."

"wait, who's suzie?" i ask confused

"it's some girl from camp, i guess his girlfriend. to be honest with you, i'm not 100% sure she's even real."

"but that's- that's not really the point. That doesn't matter. The point is, this girl, you know, the one i like, its somebody who i've loves spending everyday with, she hilarious, she's so funny. I feel like, this summer, i have laugh more than i have laughed.. in a really long time. And she's smart, way smarter than me. She smells great too. You know she can crack top secret russian codes. You know? she's honestly unlike anyone i've ever met before, and that, that's what's so great about her."

I sit with my back to the stall wall and grin like a mad women.

"y/n?" Steve asks tapping on the stall, "y/n, did you just OD in there?"

"no." I say.

Before he could say anything i slide under the stall which was at the end of the row. I sit against the wall opposite him. "hey." I smile.


Steve looked nervous.

"look, i want to know if this is the drugs talking or, your actually being serious..."

"y/-" Steve started

"no, just listen to me. I've had douchebags hurt me before, and i completely agree that you've changed but..."

"Y/n, i know what i was like to you before and all, but we're not in high school anymore and i'm not 'king steve' or 'steve, the hair, harrington' anymore, i'm just steve. And- and i like you a lot, I wouldn't hurt you. I know what that feels like now and it's shitty. You put all your trust in one person and they throw it away, like- like it's-"

"bullshit." I say holding steve's hand, "i'm not nancy." You say looking into his eyes.

"and that's precisely why i like you y/n." He says moving a strand of hair out of your face.

"y/n, i really would like it if- if you would be my... girlfriend.." He says

"of course you idiot!" I say quickly connect your lips with his, but realise that you both just threw up and that, that was probably a bad idea.

"bleh." You say

"Whoops, kind of forgot we just puked up all our insides." You say.

"you really know how to ruin the mood, don't you y/n," Steve gets up and pulls you with him. "Let's find some mints." He says, snaking his arm around your waist.

You get out of the bathroom stall and are greeted by dustin and erica, "okay. what the hell!" Dustin snaps, making you and steve burst out with laughter.

Me, steve, Dustin and Erica try to blend into the crowd that had just left the theatre. Erica and Dustin walked in front of me and steve.

"well shit, that worked."

"of course it worked." Dustin says, "now we just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebs. Then home sweet home, here we come."

"uh, dustin?"


"yeah, we might not want to go to your house."


"well i might have told them your full name."

"what is wrong with you?"

"Dude, i was drugged."



"so, you resist. You tough it out, You tough it out like a man."

"oh, yeah, it's easy for you to say."

"guys?" i say

I stop them from walking any further as i notice the russian guards from before.


"abort. abort."

the russian guard then looks at us and we run.


"okay." I say as we see that the lifts are closed. I slide down the middle of them and steve ushers the kids to go down first.

"come on, let's go, let's go."

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