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"you owe me one after this, y/n." steve complains taking a deep breath, not believing what he was about to do

he starts to frantically huming the tune of, Dream Weaver, by Gary Wright, trying to remember the lyrics

"mh.. tomorrow behind.." he starts trying to remember how the song went, "ooh, dream weaver." his voice is nervous and shaky

"i believe we can reach the morning light." his voice threatening to crack at the end of each high note, he coughed quickly, humming the tune

"fly me high through the starry skies.. mhm.. help me to forget today's pain.."

"oooh, dream weaver.. "

"come on y/n." he says hurriedly through humming the song. he continues to shake you lightly

vecna slowly makes his way toward you, you still trying to break free of the restrains, "i want you to tell eleven what you see". he says, his long claw fingers dangling over your face

you close your eyes tight, seeing images of hawkins being ripped apart by numerous gates

"fly.. fly me away to the b.. side of the moon." steve hums forgetting a few lyrics, his nervous are getting stronger as he gets further through the song and your still unresponsive

"please y/n fuck.. uh.. mm, and meet me on the other sideee." he continues

with that you regain consciousness in your body and gasp deeply, steve's eyes widen, "fuck, oh my god. y/n? are you okay? oh my god.." he panics, relieved you werent vecnas next victim. he exhaled deeply, helping you into the floor, so you can catch your breath.

you look up at steve a you're holding onto him tightly. you breath shaky and still erratic, as it begins to slow, you chuckle, looking down then back up at him, "i'm fine." you say

steve laughs, "thank god." he sighs deeply, bringing you into a tight embrace, "i thought you were gone, i thought he got you." steve says into your hair

"well, your amazing singing voice saved me harrington." you chuckle, pulling away from the hug, reluctantly

he shakes his head, "it's like he let you go.."

"he..he told me to tell eleven what he showed me.." you explained to steve

"what.. what did he show you?" steve says, his hands now holding both side of your head

"the end of hawkins." you say, this makes steve gulp nervously

"shit. well let's get out of here, and let the others know." he says, you nod, "you sure you're okay to go up." you nod at his question

"i'll be fine, plus i'll always have you to sing to me if anything happens." you chuckle

"never letting that go, are you?" steve asks defeatedly throwing his arms down his side and now resting against his hips

"nope." you say, pulling yourself up the rope once again.

"be careful." he shouts

you make your way past the gate opening, shutting your eyes tight as you dropped down, this time luckily landing on the, not so lucky gross mattress. you quickly got off, not know the last time eddie had washed his sheet and not wanting to find out, robins hand is directly in front of your face and you grab it quickly pulling yourself up

"thanks." you says, she doesn't let go off your hand, she pulls you towards her and hugs you tightly

"are you okay?" she says, you nod,

"i'm fine robin." you pull away from your bestfriend, who has small tears gathered at the corner of her eyes, "i promise.. and i also promise i'm not gonna be one his victims, okay?" you ask, she nods

you turn your head as you hear a thump behind you, steve now against eddie's mattress, helped up by dustin, walking over to you guys.

"plus.. i had stevie wonder over here." you chuckle at the clever change of his name to reference the singer, also reflecting the assumed miracle of how his voice pulled you out of the trance, (not realising vecna had actually let you go)

steve sighs, "not letting it go."

"never." you confirm, "voice of an angel, steve has, wonder voice." you say patting his shoulder

"well as long as your okay now." max says

"i'm fine, thanks guys." you smile at the girl and then too the others

everyone had now crowed around you waiting for an explanation, "i was show something but ill explain later." you say

"we can go back to mine." max says, all of you nodding, not wanting to be near the gate anymore

as you guys make your way to max's house, you all sit in her living room.

you gulp before starting to explain what happened to you. "i.. uh. i was falling suddenly, and surrounded by darkness.. but i hit the ground and was in a..." you stop looking over at eddie quickly but back at the floor, "an old memory." you say, "but as soon as i opened the door i was in this like.. hospital place.. but there was no windows and it was so dull."

"the lab." dustin says

"uh and then i saw vecna.. he was talking to me.. say it wasn't time for me to go.. as i was like trying to escape, pulling down a barricaded door. but when i opened the door, i was in a small room, and there was a man there.. he was possessed by vecna and then i was trapped on a chair and vecna came back.. he told me. he told me to tell eleven, what i saw."

"what did you see?" lucas asks

"i-i... uh. it was hawkins. it was, destroyed. being ripped apart by 4 gates and there.. was nothing left. and.. and so many monster, an army."

"he's just trying to scare you, y/n. it won't happen." steve tries to reassure you, you notice a tear drop fall against your cheek, wiping it quickly

"how do you know that?"

"we won't let it happen." dustin says, robin nodding in agreement

"4 chimes." max suddenly says, "vecnas clock. it always chimes 4 times. four exactly."

"i heard them too." you say

"he's been telling us his plan this whole time." max says

"four kills." lucas elaborates, "four gates"... "end of the world."

"if that's true... he's only one kill away." dustin says

"jesus christ." eddie says placing his head in his hands

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