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after a long while of phoning multiple of eddie's 'friends' - we finally had a lead

"apparently, eddie gets drugs from some guy named Reefer Rick," max starts to explain, "and sometimes eddie crashed there."

"sounds promising. Where does this Reefer Rick guy live?" Robin asks

"see, that's the thing. No one knows.He's more of a.. a legend than someone that people actually know" Max says

"what about a last name?" Dustin asks

"Don't know that either." max says, making you sigh

"bet the cops know the last name." Steve says, making us all turn to him as he restocks on of the tape bins

"what?" max asks

"cops." Says without explaining - there's a pause, "i mean listen, if this Reefer Rick is a drug dealer, i guarantee you he's been busted at some point." Steve said leaning against the counter now, "means he's in the system."

"the cops?" Dustin asks, "reallt steve? that's your suggestion?" he says with a disappointed tone

"i mean i just think they should be filled in what we know, what's going on."

"you think eddie's guilty, don't you?"

"whoa-oaoao. i believe in innocent until proven guilty all that constitutional shit. I just, you know, don't think we can rule it out."

"that's precisely what we're trying to do here, steve."

"and maybe we'd have a little bit more luck if you spent less time being jealous over eddie and more time trying to help us." Dustin says

"i am not jealous of him! and plus someone had to attend to the costumers"

"especially if their babes right." i tease winking at him

"hey, no- i attend to all the costumers equally, babes and non-babes alike."

"was just teasing you harrington.." you laugh as he rants

"plus we've got a very big selection in here. It can be super overwhelming for people." steve continues

"yeah it can be." Robin says, having a lightbulb moment as she turns to the computer

"what are you doing?" max asks

"maybe we don't need a last name"

Robin starts to write, rick, into the computer system, everyone gathered around her

"twelve ricks have accounts here."

"that's a lot of ricks."

"so let's narrow it down." i say

"rick aldermans latest rentals are annie and dumbo. What are the chances out drug dealer has a family."

"not likely."

"all right. Rick Conroy. sixteen candles, teen wolf, romancing the stone."

a collective, 'no', erupts from the group making robin continue

"okay. Rick Joiner, mask, footloose and grease."


"rick kimbrough. the blue lagoon and splash." to which the group laugh at,

"definitely not."

"no way."

"okay. Rick Lipton. fast times at ridgemont high, cheech & chongs next movie, cheech & chongs nice dream."

"no.." steve says raising his arm in realisation

"cheech & chongs up in smoke."

Dustin chuckles, "bingo."

"Lipton?" max questions

"spelled like the tea. 2121 Holland Road."

"that's out by lovers lake." i say

"in the middle of nowhere." max adds

"it's a perfect place to hide."

we rush out the store heading towards steve's car, robin locking the store behind us.

it had gotten dark by the time we pulled up to what we suspected to be Reefer Ricks house.

Dustin rings the door bell, as we hold flashlights around him, dustin becoming impatient and ringing the door bell multiple times and knocking on the door, "okay. well i think that's settled. i guess he's not here." steve says

"eddie! it's dustin!"

"great." steve said

"look we just want to talk, okay? no cops i swear. We just wanna help." Dustin continues to knock on the door, "eddie!"

Dustin continues to scream as you notice robin investigating around the outside of the house to which you follow, "come on." you say to max bringing her with you

you see max walk further away from the house, "y/n look at this." she calls to you and you look to see what her flashlight is pointing at, a shed - perfect hiding place.

"hey, guys?" you shout over to the others, they gather around you and max looking at the shed, you and steve share a glance as they others make their way over to the shed.

Robin slowly creeks the door open, "hello? is anyone home?" the rest of us trailing behind her

"what a dump." steve says, all of us collectively investigating the 'abandoned' shed

you notice steve turn of his flashlight, "what is it." you whisper to him as he grabs an oar and walks over to the boat that had a cover on it and stabs at it

"what are you doing??" you and dustin question him

steve doesn't answer but only pokes at it again

"what are you doing?" you repeat

"he might be in here." Steve says as he continues to aggressively poke at the same spot

"so take the tarp off." Dustin says

"if you're so brave, you take the tarp off." Steve says still poking at it but not gently

"hey look over here." max says, "someone was here." referring to the food packets and empty beer bottles on a table

"maybe he heard us. Got spooked and ran."

"don't worry. Steve will get him with his oar." you say as he continues to constantly poke at the tarp

"i know you think you're being funny, y/l/n, but considering everyone in their room has nearly died about a hundred times, personally, i don't find it funny-" steve is cut off by something jumping up from under the tarp making everyone jump

you feel steve push you behind him quickly, "wait! wait! wait! wait! wait!" steve shouted realising its eddie, but he's pushed against the wall, eddie holding a broken bottle up to his neck

"whoa, whoa, whoa." steve says

"eddie! eddie! stop!" dustin shouts

"eddie stop!" you shout as making him look over to where you and dustin stood

"it's me. it's dustin. This is steve. he's not gonna hurt you, right, steve?" dustin says

"right. yeah."

"steve why don't you drop the oar?" steve drops the oar but eddie presses the glass bottle further against his neck

you feel robin pulling you back as you unconsciously went to move forward towards eddie wanting to push him, kick him, do something, to get him off of steve

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