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We all got out of the mall as quick as possible.

Loads of police cars, ambulances, fire trucks and helicopter were outside.

Me and steve sat in one of the ambulances, "That was insane." I said, finally breaking the silence. He nods. He was obviously deep in a thought, something was on his mind.

"Steve? What's wrong?" I ask

"What happened back there, it- it was, it wasn't right. People died." Steve said

"Steve, listen. I know it's hard but people die. We just have to grow from this, honour their death. Make their sacrifices worth it." I say

"you right."

"I always am." I say nudging him, earning a scoff from him, "your an idiot, y/n y/l/n." i quickly pecking him on the lips and wrapping my arms around his cold body.

Soon later joyce and murray had come back, without hopper.

-i'm so emotional-

Will ran out of the ambulance he was in, and wrapped his arms around her smaller figure.

-can we just mention how cute and smallll winona is-

"thank god!" Joyce says slightly sobbing.

Joyce looked up to see el, looking around.

She caught eye contact with her, making el realise where hopper was.

Tears formed in her eyes, and she shock her head, not wanting to believe that the was gone. (oR wAs hE?¿)

Three months later

"Steve!" I shout from down stairs, "get up, or we'll be late!"

No answer.

I walk up the stairs, into the hallway where steve's bedroom was.

I slowly open the door, to see steve's body half of the bed, his long hair in his face and the cover completely thrown to the other side of the room.

"Hey." I say, ducking down to him.

I move his soft hair out of his face, "are you going to get up, sleepy head?"

"whyyyaY." He slurs,"cuddle." He says lifting his arms in the air.

"steve. Come one. Steve, steve." I say shaking him.

"steveee!" I huff

"if you don't get up, i'll tickle you..." He quickly shot up.

"no." He said, "you won't be tickling me, because i'll be too busy tickling you!" He says switching your position, so you were below him.

He started tickling you all over. "Steve- steve! Stop." You say laughing.

He stops tickling you and starts leaving small kiss along your jaw line.

"steve, we have to go!" You say.

"just five minutes." he wines

you scoff, "steveeee... we promised we would help the byers move!"

"no. no, no. You promised." He says

"Well we're a 'we' now so what i do, you do too." You say smiling.

"i hate you." steve says

"you love me." I say smiling.

You get it and throw a towel, from you dressing table at him, "have a shower, you smell."

"will you be joi-" He starts, "get in the shower harrington!" I say pushing him into the bathroom.

you laid back onto steve's bed feeling your eyes shut slowly

you heard a loud knock on the door making you jolt up

You pull on one your yellow, flowery summer dress and run down the stairs, trying to pull on some socks.

"hey, dustin! Sorry lost track of time! Laid in a bit too long." you say nervously.

"uh, that's fine. Where's steve." He asks

"he's in the, shower." You say smiling.

"i can come back late-" He says

"no, no, we're ready." you say nervously.

"STEVE!" You shout upstairs to steve, "hurry up!"

Steve quickly comes running down the stairs tripping at the last one.

"we're going to be late." You say picking up the car keys.

"there is no way in hell, you, are driving." Steve says pulling the keys out of your hand.

You huff, "I told you, i didn't actually fail, i CHOSE to fail." You say crossing your arms.

Steve pulls open the door, letting you and dustin out, and locking the door to his house.

You, dustin and steve make your way to the byers house.

"you two are such a married couple." Dustin says.

You just laugh at him.

You finally get to the byers house. it was so sad that they were going but everyone moves on in different ways.

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