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You show up to work the next day to see steve already at the counter chatting up some ladies. To which you scoff at, it's all he seemed to care about, boys. you thought rolling your eyes. Steve notices you and straights up, turning his full attention to you, "How was your date last night?" he asks

"he never showed up." you shrug


"mh don't know seems weird.." you start, steve lifts his eyebrow at you

"nonon, i mean... in high school he tried to get me to go on a date with him, all the time, he was persistent and he wouldn't stop bugging me until..... now." you explain to steve, "so it's just strange that he didn't turn up."

"oh well, guess someone doesn't take rejection very well." Steve says, jutting his lower lip

"Shut up." you say swatting his arm.

"Have a nice day." you say in my monotone voice to the previous customer
"Thank you." the women says

A small boy with curly brown hair, a gap in his teeth and a green and yellow baseball hat on comes up to the counter, smiling widely

"Hi" he says

"Hi" you say back

"I'm dustin." He says as if you should know his name.

"I'm Y/N...?" you say not knowing what he wanted

"Pleasure to meet you." He says kindly, "Uh is— is he here?" He asks

"is who here?" you say

Steve then bursts through the door, "Henderson."

the boy, Henderson, laughs

"Henderson! He's back." He yells excitedly, "He's back." steve repeats

"I'm back." the boy says

you look at them confused, not knowing their relation. Why was steve friends with so many children?

"You got the job." the boy congrats him

"I got the job." steve says pretending to play a trumpet with his hands and making a noise to imitate it, making you chuckle slightly.

They then do their weird nerdy handshake, with lightsabers and everything, the younger boy stabbing steve with his imaginary one

"How many children are you friends with?" you question pulling both boys to look in your direction

Steve sighs, makes an awkward face then sort of introduces you using hand signals

Steve and Dustin then start talking at one of the booths, leaving you to serve costumers

"—I gotta keep in shape for the ladies"

"Yeah, and how's that working out for you!" you shout over to them, laughing

"Ignore her." steve says annoyed

"She seems cool." Dustin says

"Thank you kind sir." 

"she's not." steve says to dustin

you scoff at this, "i'm the only girl that talks to you, harrington." steve rolls his eyes at you

The boys continue their conversation, when suddenly, "I intercepted a secret russian communication." Dustin shouts, alerting everyone in scoops making them stare at the pair of boys.

A little girl came into the store and wouldn't stop bugging you for samples ice cream, "Can i try the peppermint stick." She asks innocently

"Haven't you already tried the peppermint stick.?"

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