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we arrive at max's trailer, "alright this better be fast mayfield." steve says

"20 seconds." she says getting out of the car

"that things got batteries in it right?" steve turns to dustin referring to his walkie

"i'm not even answering that question." a pause, "yes, it has batteries."

"yeah, i got it."

max comes round the corner as we're all waiting outside of the car now, she looks shaken up and her breathing is heavy..
"hey, that was longer than 20 seconds." steve says, "hey, whoa, whoa. you alright?"

"i'm fine just drive." max says getting back into the car

"did something happen?" dustin asks

"max is everything okay?" you ask

"can we please just go?" with that steve pulls out of the drive way

after driving for a while max spoke up, "turn here."

"here?" you ask looking at the sign in front of you, she just nods the sign read, Roane Hill Cemetery, steve stops the car with max getting out, lucas following after her.

"y/n roll down your window i wanna hear what they're saying." dustin says, you turn to look at him, "what. no. that invasion of- dustin!" you shout as he leans over you rolling down your window

"seriously dude.. you have your own window." steve says

"wont reach.."


"i won't be able to hear them, as they're voice won't reach. it's physics dude."

"don't bring physics into this."

"you know what both of you shut up." you say swatting dustins hand away from the window and rolling it back up

"what? what'd i do?" steve complains, "it was hi-"

"you're bickering is getting on my nerves." you sigh

"he started it." dustin say

"i did no-" steve's interrupted by you groaning loudly in annoyance at the pair

"please just 5 minutes of peace and quite, that's all i ask for."

"sorry mom." steve and dustin both mock you

"piss off."

lucas gets back in the car, frustrated

"everything okay?" i ask

"yep. all fine." he lies

*time skip*

it had been awhile since max had left the car making us all worry and wonder how much longer she was gonna be, "all right it's been long enough." steve says getting out of the car

"steve, just give her some time." you say

"i have, okay, i'm calling it. she wants to get a lawyer, she can."

"max!" you hear steve shout as he gets closer to her, his continues to call her name and you realise his voice become more panicked with each, 'max!'

"wake up! hey!" steve claps his hands in front of her

"something wrong." you say getting out of the car and you head towards steve

"max! wake up!" steve's shaking her now, "guys!" he calls over to you guys

making dustin and lucas run towards steve and max behind you.

"max, you gotta get outta there! can you hear me?"
"get outta there!"

you all shouting her name trying to get her attention, you see steve grab dustin, "call nancy and robin! go get 'em! call nancy and robin!" he stumbles away quickly heading back to the car

"please max!"

"max come on!"

dustin comes running back holding max's walkman and some tapes in his hands throwing them in front of us, "what's her favourite song?" dustin says quickly

"why? why?!" lucas shouts

"robin sais if-if she listens.. it's too much to explain now. what's her favourite song?" dustin shouts speaking as quickly as he can

we hurriedly look through the tapes trying to find max's favourite song, "which one is it?"

"okay, okay!" lucas says looking through the tapes

"which one is it lucas?"

"what's her favourite song?"

"rights here, it's right here! i got it!" lucas says holding kate bush, running up that hill

"give it to me!"

"go, go, go!"

steve puts the tape into the walkman quickly and dustin places the headphones on her head, "now!" steve presses play on the tape


"max wake up!"

"come on max!"

"please max"


max suddenly starts to float up into the air, making us all stand back


"fuck! max!"

"please max!"


we all desperately shout her name, "max!!"

when suddenly she falls down, she screams

"max! oh my god!"

"i'm here, i'm here." lucas says hugging her as she holds onto him her breath fast, hyperventilating, "it's okay." he reassures her, "i thought we lost you."

"i'm still... i'm still here."

"oh shit."

"i'm still here."


*this sense was so good - best thing i've ever seen wtf, sobbed watching it and everytime i rewatch it 😭*

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