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It was the morning and youd been beckoned by eddie to bring you new supplies and food.

"not to be a whimp, but can i sit in the car this time?" robin asks, "i can't bear to see his dull eyes break again when looking at our dear friend y/n" robin says

"you guys noticed that too?" dustin asks
"at least he can drink himself into feeling better." steve says holding up the six pack
"that's what my mum does."

shoves a pringle into his mouth, "see robin, a positive impact can make all the difference." steve interjects as robin rambles about the vecna situation and us not being able to get to him as we didn't have an open gate, nancy telling her to look on the positive side


"oh shit." nancy says as we pull up to where eddie was hiding to see police cars surrounding the house and a news van. we all get out of the car to go look at what's happening and see the chief in front of one of the cameras, identifying the person of interest as, eddie munson.

"this is not good. this is really not good."

suddenly dustins walkie goes off, "dustin can you hear me? wheeler?" it was eddie

"eddie, holy shit are you alright?" dustin whispers into the walkie

"nah, man. pretty.. pretty goddamn far from okay."

"where is he?"

"where are you?"

"skull rock. do you know it?" eddie asks

"uh yeah. that's near cornwallis and—" dustin starts

"garrett, yeah. i know where that is." steve interjects

"hold tight, we're coming."

we make our way back to the car and head for skull rock.

"dude im telling you, you're taking us the wrong way." steve says to dustin as he's guiding us around, using his compass.

"its north. im positive. i checked the map."

"you do realise skull rock, its a super popular make-out spot?"

"yeah, so?"

"yeah, well, it wasn't popular until i made it popular."

"your point being harrington?" you interject

"im just saying, i know we're definitely heading in the wrong direction." he says walking away from dustin

"steve. where are you going? steve!"

"stop whining. lets go. trust me."

we both reluctantly follow steve, the pathway not being clear and having to push through a load of bushes, " abada bing, banda boom. there she is, henderson. skull rock." he says proudly, "in your face man, in your stupid, cocky little face."

"doesn't make sense."

steve uses his hand to symbol a mouth chatting, "yeah, yeah. even with it staring you in the face, you can't admit it. you just can't admit you're wrong, you little butthead."

"wow so mature steve." you chuckle at his use of vocabulary sounding like a 10 year old

eddie jumps down behind the three of you suddenly, making you spin around to face him shocked slightly, "i concur. you, dustin henderson, are a... total butthead."

"children. im dealing with children." you sigh

"jesus. we thought you were a goner." dustin says pulling him into a hug

"yeah me too man. me too." dustin pulls away from the hug and you see steve smile awkwardly at eddie in acknowledgement

you feel a pair of eyes on you again, looking up to see his sad eyes staring right into your soft ones. was this man a broken record or something?

The rest of the group had now caught up with you, greeting eddie and quickly noticing the tense atmosphere around the two of you as he refuses to pull his eyes off of you.

you feel steve's hand firm on your shoulder, you look up to him and smile, "its fine."

"what's going on?" nancy asks

"yeah seriously guys, what happened between you." robin asks, you could tell this question had been playing on her mind for ages as when it left her lips it was the quickest sentence she'd ever uttered. which was saying something. you could see the anticipation on her face

"huh?" eddie says turing to the girls, as he's forcefully knocked out of his trance, "who? y/n? oh nothing.. don't know what you mean." eddie tries his best to lie, he was absolutely shit at it.

you let out a heavy sigh, making everyone look at you now, "its a long horrible story.." you didnt want to get into the details of your past right now considering you were trying to help eddie escape the law now

"hmm, id say we've got a while." dustin says checking his watch, to which you roll your eyes at the boy

you could feel someone's eyes glaring at you, you slowly turn to the one responsible, when your met with the most pleading eyes youd ever seen, filled with curiosity and anticipation, "robin." you groan

"please, come on. im your best friend, i deserve to know.. and plus im bored, so bored please i need something interesting right now." she was guilt tripping you know, and it was slightly working

"steve tell her. she'll listen to you." robin pleaded with the man standing next to you, to which steve stood up straight bring his hand up to his hair,
"its y/n's business, so its her decision if she wants to tell us or not." steve said

"thank you steve."

robin groans at his response

"but i do really want to know now."

"yeah come on y/n" even max was joining in now

you look at eddie and he shrugs, "ugh fine. if you wanna know that bad." you exhale, you can't believe you gave into their pressuring, cursing yourself for being so weak and complying to their pleads.

""thank you, thank you y//n." robin said enthusiastically

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