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It had gotten dark by time we made it to lovers lake,"somethings happening." dustin says as his compass starts to freak out

"dustin will you slow down. dustin!" we all were basically running after him as he strides forwards to the lake

" i think we're getting close."

"watch your step big guy." eddie says pulling dustin back before he's just about to fall straight into the lake

"oh man. you gotta be shitting me."

"yeah. i thought these woods were familiar." 

"lovers lake."

"this is confounding."

"there's gate in lovers lake?"

"whenever the demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening. maybe vecnas the same way"

"yeah only one way to find out." steve says

we find a boat, pulling the tarp off of it, we start getting into the boat.

"easy. i.. i said easy, man." steve says holding onto the boat as eddie tries to stabilise it from rocking too much

"sorry, dude."

robin is the first to get in, "here you go." steve says lending her his hand for support, which robin ignores,
"yeah, im just gonna do that." robin says as he holds onto the boys head pulling herself up and into the boat, "thank you."
"yeah, that works too."

eddies next to get in the boat, holding his hand out for nancy as shes about to get in, "wheeler."


you're next, you see steve hold his hand out for you, and so does eddie. you ignore both of them scoffing, 'thanks, im good."

dustin tries to make his way towards the boat, "hey, hey, hey, you trying to sink us?" eddie asks, "this thing holds four people tops, okay?"

"its better this way, okay? you guys stay here with max" nancy says, "keep and eye out for trouble."

"you keep an eye out. its my goddamn theory."

"you heard nance." robin says

"who put her in charge."

"i did."

"compass." nancy says holding out her hand for it, which dustin reluctantly gave to her

"hey. there you go." steve says handing dustin the backpack, and starts pushing the boat into the water and getting on it

"you said four"

"sorry." steve whispers

we start paddling the boat, "bed time at nine kiddos." robin shouts, to which dustin puts his middle finger up at her, she stands up waving to them, "miss you already."

we've been rowing the boat for a while now, until nancy speaks up, "woah, whoa, whoa, whoa. slow down. slow down guys." making eddie and robin stop rowing

we look over to the compass in nancys hand that is going crazy, "whoa."

"guys what's going on?" dustin asks over the walkie

robin grabs a walkie, "uh, dustin, your compass has gone from wonky to wonky with a capital "aah!"

you notice steve taking off his shoes, "steve, what are you doing?"

"somebody's gotta go down and check this out."


"unless one of you four can top being hawkins high swin co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years, then.. its gotta be me. no complaints, alright."

"no not alright."

"hey, im not complaining.. i do not want to go down there."

you scoff as steve takes off his shirt, now you were also mad as steve had to look so perfectly hot. You stared up at him and from the corner of your eye you saw robin smirking at you, to which you glared at her making her smile even more.

dustin pov

"ugh, when'd steve get so hairy?" lucas says disgusted looking through the binoculars at steve shirtless

"right? i've been telling he needs to tame that jungle, but he claims that y/n digs it."

"let me see."max says suddenly, grabbing the binoculars from lucas


max doesnt say anything she just stares ahead using the binoculars, me and lucas exchanging confused looks at this

normal pov

robin starts wrapping a flashlight in a plastic bag for steve to take down, "here. and hey good luck."

"thanks." steve grabs it

eddies about to light a cigarette, when robin hits it out of his mouth, "gross."

steve starts to breath steadily as he gets ready to dive, "steve? be careful." you say quickly, he doesn't say anything as he dives straight into the water

"where we at wheeler?" robin asks, referencing how long steve had been down there for

"closing in on a minute."

"okay." robin exhales

a slaps of water alerts of and scares us half to death as steve floats about the water

"oh christ!"

"i found it." he says

"jesus, steve." you let out an exhale, recovering from the scare.

"you found it?" nancy asks

"i found it, yeah." steve says swimming towards the boat and holds onto the side of it

"dustin, you are a goddamn einstein." robin says contacting the boy through the walkie, "steve found the gate—"

"that was pretty wild. its more a snack-sized gate than the mamma gate," steve explains, " but still, its pretty damn big." suddenly steve is pulled down by something, but he soon stabilises himself using the boat, but as he's pulled down again we all yell.


"steve! steve!"

"no! no! no!"

"fuck." you say standing up

"what the hell was that man?" eddie shouts

"y/n?" robin questions as you stand up, "no.. y/n.. don't" robin says but its too late you at the edge of the boat and jump in, swimming after steve

eddies pov

"robin? no.. no. no, no no, no," i say as she sits on the sit of the boat, i look over to nancy who doesn't say anything

robin falls in backwards into the water swimming down

"fuck." i curse, nancy stands up, "nancy.. not you too." she dives in soon after

"goddam it! son of a bitch!" i jump in soon after them.

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