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We tell eddie that we'd be back tomorrow with food and anything he wanted to survive in that run down shed.

As we walk back to steve's car i hear a long sigh leave steve's mouth. pause. a much heavier sigh released makes you realise somethings up with him. As he starts a forced sigh you stop him

"what is it steve?" you question

"mh nothing.. well- nah it's no big deal." He says

"that's such bullshit." as those words left your mouth you noticed steve tense stopping for a second

"didnt like the way he was looking at you.." steve says almost like a whisper

"like what?" you question oblivious to the way eddie had looked at you, after all it was pretty dark out

"like he was in love with you y/n." steve's voice raised slightly and yet another heavy sigh left his lips," i don't know what your past with that guy is but i don't like the way he acts around you one bit."

steve's jealousy of eddie had shocked you, you hadn't expected him to react this way - you didn't even know what he was reacting to. Eddie was a childhood friend, who you may have been your first boyfriend back in middle school, but there was no feeling on your part towards him anymore

it was your turn to sigh now, "steve i don't know what you thought you saw - but what ever it was i can say for sure i defo don't have any feelings for him. okay?" you take his hand in yours, drawing circles on the back of his hand comfortingly

steve pauses

"i promise." you say

"i know, i know. sorry, guess still bad with jealousy." steve says leaning down to kiss you quickly on the lips, though it was short the kiss held passion and love, making you smile against his lips

you hear dustin groan and shout 'hurry up' as he max and robin were waiting by the car - not for very long though, they were just impatient as fuck.

steve had finally dropped everyone off home, leaving just you and him in the car, "guess you are the taxi." you chuckle

"better than being a babysitter.."

"steve. You'll always be the babysitter." you say patting his knee to which he rolls his eyes at you

"where are we going?" you asked steve as he went past the road you normally take to get to your house

"i'm taking you home.."

"well you just missed the turning."

"ooh no. not your home, my home." steve smiles

"sounds fucking creepy steve, like straight out of a horror movie" ;) ;) ;)

*warning - sex :0*

the front door of steve's house quickly shutting echoed throughout his quiet house, no other noise could be heard amongst the house meaning his parents were on yet another business trip, you would always try stay with steve when they were gone for a prolonged amount of time not wanting him to feel alone. Warm hands crept up to your hips pulling you closer to steve's chest, the feeling of his heart beat overwhelming.

the feeling of his hands on your hips made a small laugh to escape your lips, easily ticklish to his touch no matter how many times he did it, "steve." your voice was timid, you had intended for it to be playful but as a harm breath escaped your lips your tone had become a plead

"barely even touched you yet, darling." steve whispered against your ear sending shiver down your spine, his words travelling right down to your stomach, butterflies erupting

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