Chapter 3- 25th Seoul Music Awards

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January 14th, 2016:
We were at the 25th Seoul Music Awards. I was in a navy silk dress with long sleeves that went slightly past my knees. I was also given strappy stilettos to wear for the first time. I knew this was going to happen, the styling team had warned me and given me a pair to practice in. I had worn them extensively so as to not keep making an embarrassment of myself on red carpets which seemed to have become a routine of mine. I was, however, still cold.

I rushed back inside after our red carpet. I was last to get to the table with papers for us to sign.

"Why do they keep giving you heels," Jungkook laughed as I joined them, "you suck at walking in them".

"I do not," I slap him, "I'm getting quite good. And I'm even starting to enjoy it. It's you guys that aren't being considerate and waiting for me".

"Those do look like quite the shoes though," Jimin inserts himself in our conversation, "you could take someone's eye out".

"So, watch out," I wink, going to sign the papers.

"I swear she only wears them to be the same height as us," Jimin whispers chuckling.

"And so, what if I do," I say, closing the cap on my pen, "threatened?"

"Threatened? By you?" Jimin asks sarcastically, "... yeah, maybe," he finally answers seriously.

The three of us burst out laughing. 

We walked back to our changing room where other groups were mingling.

"Happy birthday oppa!" I shouted when I saw Jongin.

"Thanks," He smiled hugging me.

"Y/N!" Jeonghwa shouted rushing over to me.

"Jeonghwa-unnie," I chuckle, stumbling backward by the force Jeonghwa had barreled into me.

"I have news to tell you," she whispered excitedly.

"What is it?" I ask curiously.

"Come with me," Jeonghwa says, taking my hand and looking around, "sorry, oppa. I'm gonna steal her for a few minutes," she apologises to Jongin and whisks me away.

Jeonghwa waves to SinB and Eunbi whom she had obviously already shepherded her way to follow.

"What is it?" I ask her now we were in the empty girl's bathroom.

"Eunkwang asked me out," she beams, "he finally asked!"

SinB, Eunbi, and I all start screaming happily.

"Oh my gosh, what!" SinB shouted excitedly, "I'm so happy for you! Ah!"

I hugged her happily.

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