Chapter 71- The Beginning of An Era

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Author's Note at the End :)

November 19th, 2016:

For before we were to perform, when we were seated at our seats, I was dressed in tight, waist-high, black shorts with three gold buttons on either side and a white, flowy blouse with a large, oversized bow and frilly, over-the-hand cuffs. The outfit was paired with tight, knee-high-heeled boots and several small, diamond hoop earrings and rings. My hair was in a nice, stylized ponytail with two front hair strands out. I dyed it back to my original black colour for award season as well. For some reason, I liked this outfit. It was sexy, but traditional; feminine, but bold.

"Now don't go falling, okay," Hoseok chuckles looking at me and then at the boots.

"No promises," I answer, chuckling, posing with the boots playfully.

A staff came up to us and asked us to follow them to the stage where we would be seated. As we came on stage, fans screamed and cheered, showing off their ARMY bombs. We all waved and bowed, thanking their support. I could see fans with a couple signs of my name, a part of me felt honoured they would still support me after everything that happened, and the other part felt ashamed that they would still support me after everything I'd done. If they knew everything, the truth about my relationships, then they probably wouldn't be.

"Y/N?" Jungkook nudges me, "Y/N? Hey? Do you want the blanket?"

I shake my head of my thoughts.

"Uh, yes, thanks," I give him a small smile and place the blanket over my legs.

It was quite quickly after the show started that we had to stand up and accept the Top 10 Award. Seokjin and Taehyung spoke for us. I stood off to the side with Jungkook, hoping we wouldn't be asked to speak. I could never seem to think of the right words in those situations, and right now, I was hyper-afraid of saying or acting the wrong way.

When Mamamoo performed, I was cheering and singing so enthusiastically, the cameras came over to me to film me during their performance. When they won, I couldn't help but hug them all as they walked to the stage.

When Gfriend performed, I danced and lip-synced every move, which meant the cameras were back on me for quite some time. Taehyung, who was beside me, even joined in at times. When they finished, I stood up, clapping loudly and cheering with the rest of the crowd.

"Preserve your voice," Jungkook muttered, leaning over when I sat down.

"I know," I whisper chuckling, "I'm done now".

40 minutes before our performance, we go backstage to change. I changed into the sexier outfit I had worn for AAA, except the bow had red jewels on it this time, with the new shoes I'd rehearsed in. I was determined for my "return" to be successful this time.

"Okay guys," Hoseok said as we all huddled together before getting on the platform that would take us up to the stage under a white sheet, "remember, the stage is big, don't go too far out of the formation. And be mindful of Y/N and her heels".

I rolled my eyes slightly but still appreciated the thought.

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