Chapter 39- Hated Love

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September 5th, 2016:

I was walking up the stairs to my class and I couldn't help but feel like there was more activity than usual today. Girls were talking with their phones out as if they were looking at something.

"Do you think it's true?" I hear one girl say as I walked by.

"Good for him, we all know the trainwreck his last relationship was," someone from another huddle was saying. They get nudged in the stomach by their friend when they looked up and saw me.

I ignore them and walk into my homeroom. Everyone already inside went quiet when I came in. What was this all about?

"Y/N," Heeyoung says, smiling as she rushed towards me, "How are you how was your weekend?"

"Oh you kn–" I start, but two friends walked in squeaking.

"Kaistal is real!" one of them cheers, "they're so good together".

"Oh good, I thought you'd be pissed," their friend chuckles, "since it's your dear Kai".

So that was what everyone was gossiping about. Jongin and Krystal's relationship must have been leaked. I couldn't help but feel bad for Jongin. He just couldn't be left alone.

"Did you know?" Heeyoung looks at me carefully as I put my attention back on her.

"I, uh... yeah," I nod, "I mean about their relationship, not that everyone knew about it now".

I go to look at what was known before saying anything. Dispatch said they had been dating for a year, so they found out about them 4 months after they actually started. I let out a little scoff when I see a note at the end of the article stating "it is unknown if Y/N is aware of the couple, but friends of the couple tell us Krystal and Y/N do have a tense relationship. Whether it is because of Krystal's relationship with Y/N's ex-boyfriend is unknown".

"Yeah, I did know," I answer finally, "I've known for a while".

"Really?" Heeyong says surprised.

"Yes," I nod, "Jongin oppa and I are still friends, we talk. And just to clarify, Krystal unnie and I have no beef. Or none that I know of at least".

"I didn't think that was true," Heeyoung frowns, "Dispatch just has this addiction to portraying you in a negative light".

"I just feel bad for them," I say sadly, going to my messages and texting Jongin.

Y/N: Hey, just saw the Dispatch article

Y/N: Really sorry you guys got found out, lmk if you need anything, I'm here for you guys 😔

Y/N: People seem kinder this time, so that's good 🫤

"All right settle down," my homeroom says walking in, "Ms. Kim what are you doing here, go to your class".

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