Chapter 68- What is Love

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Author's Note at the End :)

November 17th, 2016:

I'm met with cheers and hugs from the boys when I go back to the dancing studio for rehearsals. There was no sign of Timothée anywhere. When everyone lets go, they realise that unlike them, my smile wasn't reaching my eyes.

"What do we not know?" Seokjin says, looking at me unsure.

"He's not countering only if I meet with him in private," I answer.

"Wait... you're not going to do it right?" Taehyung says surprised.

"I am," I nod, "it's the smartest decision. It saves everyone time, money, pain..."

"But what about you? You're okay with meeting with him alone in private?" Jungkook asks seemingly still surprised, not understanding my reasoning.

"The lawyers will be there," I say, "and it'll be short. I'd rather have to deal with him for ten minutes than have this drag on".

"I guess that makes sense..." Yoongi says cautiously, "but are you sure you're ready for that... like mentality?"

"Yeah, it'll be fine," I shrug, "how much damage can happen in ten minutes?"

All the boys look at each other, probably thinking that the assault had lasted roughly twenty minutes and done some pretty intense damage.

All social media was going absolutely wild. Fans and feminists were happy for me, misogynists were pissed, and overall, the justice system was being run through the mud. This story was not only being picked up by idol news websites and blogs but mainstream newspapers and news organisations. Our phones were blowing up from friends and family as well as notifications from news and social media.

It was quite overwhelming, to be honest. I couldn't focus very well and was making some sloppy mistakes. I could tell the boys were trying to be supportive, but there was only so much we could rehearse properly with how unfocused I was.

"Why don't you go home Y/N," Namjoon says, "try to answer everyone and just let it sink in. Get some sleep".

"Yeah, it's useless for you to practice right now," Hoseok agrees.

"Yeah, you're properly right," I sigh, "I'm really sorry guys. I'll make up for it tomorrow, I promise".

"We know you will," Jimin smiles, "you've never let us down, Y/N. Don't worry about it".

I go to get my bag and Jungkook comes over.

"Are you meeting with Timothée?" he whispers.

"I don't know," I mutter, "he texted like a few hours ago he needed to think things over. I've told him I'll be home early. I'll text him now again... I don't know".

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