Chapter 64- I'm Okay

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November 14th, 2016:

I woke up to the smell of bacon wafting up to the loft. I turn over and see Timothée wasn't in bed. I check my phone and see it was 7:12am. We had been allowed to sleep in today given the two concerts we'd just had. We only had to be at the company at 9:30.

I crawl out of bed and climb down the stairs.

"What you making?" I ask seeing Timothée over the stove.

"Oh, hey," he smiled turning to see me, "I went to the grocery store and got eggs, bacon, some cheese, and strawberries... Thought you deserved a nice breakfast after those concerts".

"Aww," I cooed, going up to him and hugging him. As I hugged him, I saw the bacon he was cooking behind him.

"I think you're burning your bacon though," I chuckle.

He immediately turns around and starts swearing as he took the pan off the stove.

"I still have some," he says frantically, "I'll redo it".

"Don't worry," I pat his shoulder, "let me do it. It'll probably be faster".

"But you were supposed to chill," he says, mad at himself, "sit down, sit down. I'll do it".

"How about you make the coffee?" I suggest, putting the bacon in the pan.

"I can't believe I can't even cook bacon," he sighs.

"I can't believe it either," I laugh.

I finished the bacon and took the eggs out of the fridge.

"Here, try the eggs," I say, giving them to him, "you can't f*ck up eggs for sure".

He takes them looking determined. I look at him doing it quietly. He tries to put the egg and put it on the plate but breaks the yolk which ends up going everywhere over the plate and pan.

"Ok, it might not look good," he says a little embarrassed, "but it's cooked".

He does two more eggs and we set out all the food on the counter. I go to sit on the stool while he stayed on the kitchen side standing.

"Well, thank you for the food," I smile, "I really appreciate it. I haven't had a real breakfast in forever".

"It's the least you deserve," he smiles warmly at me, "... and thanks for cooking," he chuckles.

I laugh as I take a picture to send to the boys to make them just a little jealous.

Taehyung: Tim made all that for you! Bring me some!

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