Chapter 21- Bon Voyage Season 1 | Ep. 2-3

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May 17th, 2016:

I didn't really get any more sleep that morning. Jimin and Hoseok both fell asleep despite their best efforts to support me through the pain I was going through. And it was painful. This was quite easily one of the worst periods I had ever experienced. I was mad at myself for not getting a doctor's appointment before the trip, but we just didn't have the time with the comeback and how was I supposed to know the situation would turn out as it had?

Slowly, all the members started waking up. There was a parade outside for Norwegian Constitution Day and music was playing loudly outside. The managers came to get us all up properly at 8:30.

"Y/N? How was your night?" Yoona asks, creeping into Jimin and Taehyung's room I was occupying.

"Horrible," I mutter, in a ball on the bed. My cramps were so painful, and I could barely stand up properly, "this is not normal..."

"Ok..." Yoona said softly, sitting next to me. She stroked my head and called for Sejin. "She can't film today. She needs to go to a hospital; this is not normal for her".

"Are you sure? She's often had painful periods. Are the meds not working?" Sejin asks.

"No," Yoona answers seriously, "she needs the hospital".

"Okay, I'll let the crew know," Sejin says, "keep me updated".

Yoona gently helped me get up and walked me out the apartment. The boys were all very concerned and came to hug me.

"Keep us updated," Namjoon said patting my head.

"Get better," Hoseok smiled, "we need to be a full group at some point on this trip".

Jungkook was the last to bid my goodbye for the day and his eyes were filled with worry.

"Text me every update, okay," he said looking at me intently, "I'll be worried sick otherwise".

"I will," I nod, smiling ever so slightly as I winced from the pain.


After a taxi ride to the hospital and a wait in the emergency room, I had seen a doctor. They asked my symptoms and did a pelvic exam.

"It's hard for me to give you a conclusive diagnosis from just the symptoms and a rudimentary pelvic exam. You'd need to do further tests to get a conclusive diagnosis, but I don't think you should be too worried. I'd say it's not anything too serious from what you were saying about how you've gotten painful periods before. This could just be more painful due to stress or the change in environment. But I would still recommend you go to your doctor in Canada... or Korea," she corrects herself after looking at my patient form, "as soon as you're back. I'll give you medication to ease the pain, but I suggest rest and try to stay away from fatty, greasy food. This includes coffee, by the way".

"Thank you," I nod, gladly taking the medication she was handing me.

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